Water Color - Green? Blue?


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TFP Guide
Jun 7, 2017
Damascus, MD
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Jandy Aquapure 1400
We are filling with tap water and the water is giving the pool a green tint. My neighbor who also has white plaster has a nice blue pool. How and when will my water turn blue?

Just a day or two of filtration and startup process. It doesn't take long for the initial green to totally go away.
Thank you! I have also started brushing and it is making the water cloudy.

As an aside, the "Whale" brush that I got with the TF100 kit is pretty good but I am finding the "fin" flips over a lot and needs to be shaken back. Seems like a design flaw I wish it was on some sort of spring so it flipped back over once you pulled it back and were ready to push again.
Try moving the spacer on the back side of the fin to see if a different setting helps. The action of your brush going down the side of the wall should push the fin back into position.

Take care.
The startup company called too they will be out tomorrow to start everything up. I am taking off! They said 2 weeks and I can turn on the heater.
The pool comes with a startup they already contacted me with the details. He said it is iron, high Ph and a few other things. They'll correct it all tomorrow when they get out here to fire it all up. Using city water. He said 1-2 days it'll be blue.
You can't "correct" the iron ... while it is visible in the water, you may be able to filter it out. If they add a sequestrant, then it will be put back into suspension and will remain in the water and may required continual sequestrant use.

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We just realized that they are flushing the water lines from the hydrant next door to us. So we have been putting a bunch of silt in the pool. Wonderful! So I am guessing we will be cleaning the filter fairly quickly once it gets rid of that garbage.
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