First look at Pentair's new IntelliChlor Plus30


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2018
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
So after having some issues with Pentair and my old SWG unit I was given the opportunity to give the new Pentair PLUS SWG platform a shot and ended up with an IC30+, which is part of their new model line of salt water generators.



I'm not cool enough to do an unboxing video so instead here is a picture of the box telling you what's inside.


Check out that new acid washing kit. Pretty fancy.

I was told this is a drop in replacement for their current line of SGWs and I would be able to take the old one out and put the new one in. I'm coming off an IC30 so moving to an IC30+ was marketed as being easy to do if you already have the plumbing. The box also comes with adapters if you have their other sized units.


Turns out they were right. It's the same size as what I had and installation consisted of unscrewing the unions, taking the old one out, putting the new one in, and screwing on the unions. I don't have much more to say about the install other than that because that's all that it took. I did give the o-rings a coating of lube since I was in there and might as well since it was exposed. I have a Power Center and this one plugged right in, same size 4 pin connection on the end of the cord so nothing much to say there either. Overall the install was as promised, a direct drop in.

I don't have a before picture so lets just pretend I posted that, instead here is a side by side after.


A couple more action shots from the side



Powering on the unit it now shows a boot up reading sequence.


To access the buttons there is now a slide down cover instead of a pop up lid


The unit now will also tell you the current reading on the salt levels, which apparently my pool could use another bag, and if you scroll through the info also can get an easy reading on temperatures, run time, voltages, other warning states, model, and software versions. I think the old one did this as well but I never pushed whatever buttons were required to do so. Now there is a big INFO button right there so you can't not just go push it and see what happens.


It's only been a half hour since I got it set up so these are just initial impressions. Tomorrow will be the first full day run so I'll be going out there to see how it's working. Ran it tonight for a little while, made sure there were no obvious leaks, set it the chlorination up, watched it blink a few times, and set it back to my daily schedule. I do not have any automation but I do have a Pentair pump hooked into the Power Center with it's communication wire so the two units talk to each other enough that the SWG only runs when the pump is running.

Hopefully this first look is interesting to folks as I am not sure who has these style units yet.
Hopefully this first look is interesting to folks as I am not sure who has these style units yet.
You. Exactly you have this unit. (y)

And it's must see TV for the rest of us.


The new models come in 15 / 25 / 30 / 40 / 60. I like that the smaller models carry the same electronics and only have smaller plates.
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I like that it reports salt and temp, which will make it easy to diagnose in 3 weeks when the temp sensor fails.


Now, it would be nice if it reported volts and amps.


You mean like this? The screen did have numbers at one point when it was running but by the time I was going to take the photo it was not doing anything. So just pretend like this has some readings on it or I can post a photo tomorrow when it does.

Here are the full FAQ's I found posted on their site from scanning the QR code on the unit...

I see the minimum flow is now 25GPM. This stinks because according to my Intelliflo pump, I am currently running 21 GPM at 1200RPM. Hopefully this is not correct and I can still run at 1200 RPM to get the necessary flow.

They also upped the low salt warning to come on at 3000ppm, instead of 2800. Still works down to 2600 though.

Looks nice. Glad to see it has the voltage and current values displayed as well. That will help with troubleshooting. Wish they would give us the ability to adjust the salinity to a tested value.

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I see the minimum flow is now 25GPM. This stinks because according to my Intelliflo pump, I am currently running 21 GPM at 1200RPM. Hopefully this is not correct and I can still run at 1200 RPM to get the necessary flow.

Oh good catch and I didn't think of this. I will go out there tomorrow once the pump shifts into my lower RPM setting to see if it still detects the flow. I had it set as low as the IC30 would let me go and still be producing so if this one raised that lower limit I'll have to experiment to see what I have to set the pump at to keep up the production.
Oh good catch and I didn't think of this. I will go out there tomorrow once the pump shifts into my lower RPM setting to see if it still detects the flow. I had it set as low as the IC30 would let me go and still be producing so if this one raised that lower limit I'll have to experiment to see what I have to set the pump at to keep up the production.
Pro Tip: Clean/Backwash the filter. Reduce the RPM until the cell reports no flow. Add 200 RPM and run that as your minimum. Will provide protection for a dirty filter.

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The display updates every couple of seconds when its operating, it wasn't just a static point in time when on this screen.

Also the unit was able to detect flow (as can be seen by the green lights) with the pump running at 1750rpms, which is what I had to have it for the old unit.
Here are the full FAQ's I found posted on their site from scanning the QR code on the unit...

I see the minimum flow is now 25GPM. This stinks because according to my Intelliflo pump, I am currently running 21 GPM at 1200RPM. Hopefully this is not correct and I can still run at 1200 RPM to get the necessary flow.

They also upped the low salt warning to come on at 3000ppm, instead of 2800. Still works down to 2600 though.

Looks nice. Glad to see it has the voltage and current values displayed as well. That will help with troubleshooting. Wish they would give us the ability to adjust the salinity to a tested value.


My Intellichlor 40 lists the minimum flow rate as 25 GPM in the manual which is no different than this new series of SWG.
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What is the chlorine output level adjustability? I don't have automation and the IC40 only adjusts by every 20% once above 10%. The actual outputs are 2%, 4%, 6%, 8%, 10%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100%. I wish I could make 1% adjustments so I could better fine tune the output.
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What is the chlorine output level adjustability? I don't have automation and the IC40 only adjusts by every 20% once above 10%. The actual outputs are 2%, 4%, 6%, 8%, 10%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100%. I wish I could make 1% adjustments so I could better fine tune the output.

1% from 1 to 100.
Lets see if the display will show reversal mode with a negative "-" when it cycles.
What is this? I'm not sure how to check.

On a related topic, the site admins will need to add this new line to the profile page SWG type drop down list. I just noticed this when I went to edit my profile.
^^^^^^^^ @Leebo.

(He LOVES when I find more work for him. Absolutely LOVES it. :ROFLMAO:)

The 15 and 30 do a little better than the old ones. Obviously the 25 is new. The 40 and 60 are equals to the old.

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