Water slide catch pool and pumps reservoir


In The Industry
Jul 27, 2023
[Hint : text translated via google translate service ]

Greetings to all; I have a question, I have a swimming pool under the slides, the pump reservoir will be connected via a 20-meter pipe leading to the tank located under the slide platform, the owner wants the pool to be an overflow system, how can this keep the pool water level constant, I want to know more about the water circulation system, I can calculate the amount of flow due to the difference in the level of the two tanks as well as know the level of each of the tanks during pumping, I still have the problem of the difference in the pool water level and the inability of the filter pump to raise the water level if all the slide pumps are not working, I want us to discuss this topic and exchange ideas.
Show us pictures and drawings of the pool, slide, and plumbing. That may help understanding your translated test.

The pool owner wants the pool to be an overflow system to where?

You probably need a float switch to turn on a pump when the pool water level changes.

In an overflow pool you need to plan for when bathers get into the pool and cuse overflow and then levae the pool and the water level drops.

These articles may help you understand your problem and what the solutions are. The articles describe how the components of the pool must be properly matched between the basin size, basin suction, water flow over the edge, and volume of water in transit. And how that changes with pump speed and people in the pool and water features on or off.

Water features add more variability and range to the volume of water that the edge flow and basin need to handle.

Vanishing Edges 101

Avoiding the Pitfalls of Vanishing-Edge Pool Construction

This appears to be a surge tank setup commonly found in a more commercial setting. Tank 1 being the swimming pool, and tank 2 being the surge pit where the pump draws the water from. Instead of a pipe through the wall, I would setup the main drain in the pool to gravity feed back to the surge pit. The water will seek its own level and equalize between the two. If you wanted to add a vanishing edge you could do so as a supplemental overflow that gravity flows back to the same surge pit. Install metering valves on the main drain and vanishing edge overflow to balance the flow back to the surge pit between the two.
Thank you i understande that , Addtional attachments added

What about roll out gutter type , there is no isolation between spillover water and pool water ?
Velocity requiermwnts need large pipe for suction entrapment and to delay pool drainng , is it correct pool water level will rise at steady state for this closed cycle water system ?


  • Plan-4.png
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  • Water park drain-1.pdf
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I've looked in on this thread to see if I have anything to offer. It seems this is for a public pool and not residential which is way outside my experience. If this isn't correct please let me know.

Thanks and good luck!

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You have a strong memory, if you want it, I have read a lot and looked a lot, if you do not mind exchanging ideas and notes, we discuss everything related to the water recycling system with simplified manner
I've looked in on this thread to see if I have anything to offer. It seems this is for a public pool and not residential which is way outside my experience. If this isn't correct please let me know.

Thanks and good luck!

You are correct ,water park water slides landing pool