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    • H
      h20proof replied to the thread Bullfrog hot tub.
      For what it's worth, I ended up ordering the A8 with EOS ozonator and no circ pump. It was a toss up to begin with and the dealer...
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      h20proof replied to the thread Bullfrog hot tub.
      now I'm more confused... Does anyone know if the EOS specifically works best with a 24/7 circ pump or with the standard jet pump (4+...
    • H
      h20proof replied to the thread Bullfrog hot tub.
      Leaning towards Chlorine, but not 100% firm on that
    • H
      h20proof replied to the thread Bullfrog hot tub.
      Bullfrog A8 comes with 2 jet pumps, no dedicated circulation pump. One jet pump runs twice a day for 2hrs each time to maintain the...
    • H
      @JoyfulNoise @RDspaguy : I'm about to purchase a Bullfrog A8 with EOS ozonator and I appreciate your input. Both of you make...
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      h20proof replied to the thread Bullfrog hot tub.
      @JoyfulNoise @RDspaguy : I'm about to purchase a Bullfrog A8 with EOS ozonator and I appreciate your input. Both of you make...
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