Wiring IntelliChem


Active member
Jul 16, 2022
Hi All,

I have a couple of questions about wiring of IntelliChem.

I have an EasyTouch with IntelliTouch upgrade, IntelliFlo pump, IntelliChlor SCG. Everything is controlled by EasyTouch/IntelliTouch.

1. Do I have to wire IntelliChem to the load side of the pump relay in EasyTouch/IntelliTouch panel, given that the pump operates 9 am - 6 pm? Not sure how it will like being powered on and off daily... Is this something that can be controlled in IntelliChem? Is it safe to rely on ItelliChem flow switch that it would not dispense acid when there's no flow?

2. If everything is controlled through EasyTouch/IntelliTouch, do I still need to interconnect COM ports of IntelliChem and EasyTouch/IntelliTouch as outlined on the diagram below?


Thank you!
Intellichem needs to be wired to LOAD side of filter pump relay to be powered whenever pump is on.

And RS-485 wire needs to be between Intellichem and IntelliTouch.