Winterize in-ground pool


New member
Apr 23, 2024
After putting anti freeze down my skimmers and installing the plugs can I pour a gallon of anti freeze directly in the skimmer in case some water gets in the skimmer as winter freezes, I recently had a skimmer crack even though I’ve had the same company close it for the past 37 years, and there was an expansion bottle in there put a dry skimmer this spring because of the crack the winter water had leaked out before I opened, that’s why I’m asking?
I always pour the pink stuff into my plugged off skimmer when I close the pool down for winter. Necessary? I don’t know but it gives me a little more protection. I don’t use the screw in gizmos anymore either. I install a rubber expansion plug in there then drop in an empty gallon jug container of the antifreeze into the skimmer as the freeze protection gizmo. It’s weighed down with some sand in the jug and a small 3# rubber coated dumbbell cable tied to it.
Antifreeze in the skimmer itself will wash right out into the pool if the pool water rises.

Stuff it with cut up pool noodles and there won't be enough free space to cause damage by ice expansion.

I put the pool noodles through the weir door opening extending into the skimmer area. The pool antifreeze I use seems to be a little heavier than water?? Even after all of the rains and snow melt, I still have some pink liquid in there come spring.
I can try the noodles in the main skimmer housing next year also.
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