SLAM progress after a week

Oct 20, 2023
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
Hey everyone, Just completed day 7 of a SLAM.

Events leading up to the SLAM:

I have been battling algae for a while. Left for a couple of weeks on vacation and came back to a green pool with a dead bird in it.

Many bags of pool shock later and it would turn cloudy blue, but turn green again in a day or so. Didn’t have a real schedule or quality test. Switched from liquid to 1” tabs for a while to see if that would help. Test strips would always show barely any chlorine. Just kept shocking every few days. Added clarifier to try and remove the haze. Used a rechargeable hand vac to try and physically remove some algae. Gross stuff. Little red worms 🪱 in it. Had enough!

Fast forward to about 8 days ago and receiving a proper test kit for tfkits. My CYA was over 100. Took out the tabs. Did a partial drain and refill. My CYA is between 50-60 I suspect now. Maybe could be lower, but I went for SLAM.

The pool is looking blue again. No green. Lots of white bits floating still. Water still very hazy and cloudy. I lose visibility of the brush about halfway down into the pool it’s so cloudy.

I am brushing daily and blasting the cartridge with a hose once a day. The cartridge consistently has a kind of creamy white/light brown slime on it. Blasting it with the hose leaves behind white specs. Is it the dead algae? Chucked a new cartridge in just in case. The vac isn’t picking up any green algae anymore as far as I can tell. Whatever’s left seems pretty “suspended”.

OCLT yesterday was 1 PPM. Today was 2 PPM. But overall the pool is holding on to chlorine so much better as the days go on so I think I’m making progress. CC exists but looks like it’s consistently 0.5 or less now.

I know I’m close to meeting params. But the cloudiness doesn’t seem to be getting better.

Besides “keep on SLAMing” is there anything else I can do for this cloudiness? If the only parameter left is the cloudiness how long should I SLAM? Does cloudiness mean the algae will come back if I stop SLAMing and lower my FC? It feels like my little cartridge filter is slowly getting to stuff, but very slowly.

Build Type: Vinyl
Volume: 4025 gallons
Latest Test Result Summary:
FC: 23.0 (50 minutes ago)
pH: 7.4 (7 days ago)
TA: 70 (6 days ago)
CH: 100 (6 days ago)
CYA: 55 (7 days ago)
Test Results 10-28-2023 @ 08:32 PM
Free Chlorine: 23.0

Chemical Addition 10-28-2023 @ 06:41 PM
+ 41 FluidOunces of Bleach

Test Results 10-28-2023 @ 06:33 PM
Free Chlorine: 14.0

Chemical Addition 10-28-2023 @ 07:50 AM
+ 5.1 FluidOunces of Bleach

Notes 10-28-2023 @ 06:33 AM
CC - < 0.5

Test Results 10-28-2023 @ 06:32 AM
Free Chlorine: 21.0

Test Results 10-27-2023 @ 08:02 PM
Free Chlorine: 23.0

Chemical Addition 10-27-2023 @ 07:17 PM
+ 30 FluidOunces of Bleach

Test Results 10-27-2023 @ 07:07 PM
Free Chlorine: 16.5

Chemical Addition 10-27-2023 @ 12:55 PM
+ 28 FluidOunces of Bleach

Test Results 10-27-2023 @ 12:40 PM
Free Chlorine: 16.5

Chemical Addition 10-27-2023 @ 07:39 AM
+ 15 FluidOunces of Bleach

Notes 10-27-2023 @ 06:50 AM
CC - 0.5
FC - 19
TC - 19.5

Test Results 10-27-2023 @ 06:50 AM
Free Chlorine: 19.0

Test Results 10-26-2023 @ 10:26 PM
Free Chlorine: 20.5

Test Results 10-26-2023 @ 06:26 PM
Free Chlorine: 14.0

Chemical Addition 10-26-2023 @ 01:26 PM
+ 15 FluidOunces of Bleach

Test Results 10-26-2023 @ 12:21 PM
Free Chlorine: 19.0

Chemical Addition 10-26-2023 @ 07:00 AM
+ 15 FluidOunces of Bleach

Notes 10-26-2023 @ 06:42 AM
CC - < 1
FC - 19
TC - 19.5

Test Results 10-26-2023 @ 06:40 AM
Free Chlorine: 19.0

Test Results 10-25-2023 @ 07:50 PM
Free Chlorine: 20.0

Test Results 10-25-2023 @ 06:38 PM
Free Chlorine: 18.0

Test Results 10-25-2023 @ 02:18 PM
Free Chlorine: 14.5

Chemical Addition 10-25-2023 @ 07:40 AM
+ 51 FluidOunces of Bleach

Test Results 10-25-2023 @ 07:31 AM
Free Chlorine: 12.0

Chemical Addition 10-24-2023 @ 07:47 PM
+ 64 FluidOunces of Bleach

Test Results 10-24-2023 @ 07:42 PM
Free Chlorine: 10.0

Chemical Addition 10-24-2023 @ 08:06 AM
+ 49 FluidOunces of Bleach

Notes 10-24-2023 @ 08:01 AM
FC - 14.5
CC - 1
TC - 15.5

Test Results 10-24-2023 @ 08:00 AM
Free Chlorine: 14.5

Chemical Addition 10-23-2023 @ 08:29 PM
+ 46 FluidOunces of Bleach

Test Results 10-23-2023 @ 05:59 PM
Free Chlorine: 13.0

Chemical Addition 10-23-2023 @ 01:45 PM
+ 51 FluidOunces of Bleach

Test Results 10-23-2023 @ 01:41 PM
Free Chlorine: 12.0

Chemical Addition 10-23-2023 @ 07:54 AM
+ 46 FluidOunces of Bleach

Notes 10-23-2023 @ 07:14 AM
FC -13
CC - 1

Test Results 10-23-2023 @ 07:14 AM
Free Chlorine: 13.0

Test Results 10-22-2023 @ 07:05 PM
Free Chlorine: 17.5

Chemical Addition 10-22-2023 @ 06:28 PM
+ 54 FluidOunces of Bleach

Test Results 10-22-2023 @ 06:20 PM
Free Chlorine: 11.5

Chemical Addition 10-22-2023 @ 12:14 PM
+ 46 FluidOunces of Bleach

Notes 10-22-2023 @ 12:08 PM
FC - 13
CC - 1
TC - 14

Test Results 10-22-2023 @ 12:07 PM
Free Chlorine: 13.0

Chemical Addition 10-22-2023 @ 06:47 AM
+ 64 FluidOunces of Bleach

Test Results 10-22-2023 @ 06:46 AM
Calcium Hardness: 100

Test Results 10-22-2023 @ 06:42 AM
Total Alkalinity: 70

Notes 10-22-2023 @ 06:32 AM
CC - 1
FC - 9.5
TC - 10.5

Test Results 10-22-2023 @ 06:32 AM
Free Chlorine: 9.5
What a ride. Well done on getting the test kit and starting a proper SLAM.

From now on its basically POP: Pool Owner Patience. Maintain SLAM-FC until you meet all three exit criteria, and that includes clear water.

And keep brushing and check hiding spots for algae, like pool light niches, skimmer weir doors, pool ladders, etc
I’m curious - you are heading for what will be a two week slam with lots of effort and chlorine. With only a 4000 gallon pool, why not just almost completely drain and refill in the first place? I guess with vinyl you cant drain 100% but the maximum you can anyway.
What a ride.
Almost broke 10k characters.


My CYA is between 50-60 I suspect now. Maybe could be lower, but I went for SLAM.
Was this tested and you 'suspect' it because the test is subjective ? Or are you guessing what it is after draining without retesting ?

Also, we only use the 10s. 51-59 = 60. (Etc). It's much easier to only test at the 10s marks.
I am brushing daily and blasting the cartridge with a hose once a day. The cartridge consistently has a kind of creamy white/light brown slime on it. Blasting it with the hose leaves behind white specs. Is it the dead algae? Chucked a new cartridge in just in case. The vac isn’t picking up any green algae anymore as far as I can tell. Whatever’s left seems pretty “suspended”.

OCLT yesterday was 1 PPM. Today was 2 PPM. But overall the pool is holding on to chlorine so much better as the days go on so I think I’m making progress. CC exists but looks like it’s consistently 0.5 or less now.

I know I’m close to meeting params. But the cloudiness doesn’t seem to be getting better.

Besides “keep on SLAMing” is there anything else I can do for this cloudiness? If the only parameter left is the cloudiness how long should I SLAM? Does cloudiness mean the algae will come back if I stop SLAMing and lower my FC? It feels like my little cartridge filter is slowly getting to stuff, but very slowly.
Have you spot cleaned the skimmer weir door or the light niche, ladder, etc? Also any pool toys that may go back into the pool.
Your drops in FC are significant on 10/28 from 21 to 14ppm. So test more often to MAINTAIN the FC at the SLAM level. If you are at 60 CYA then target 24ppm for FC SLAM level.
I’m curious - you are heading for what will be a two week slam with lots of effort and chlorine. With only a 4000 gallon pool, why not just almost completely drain and refill in the first place? I guess with vinyl you cant drain 100% but the maximum you can anyway.
Hindsight is 20/20 I guess. Lacking experience I was thinking maybe this would take a few days (which in my mind justified avoiding the hassle and waste of draining and refilling). But looking back it would have been cheaper and less hassle. Maybe it still would. I’m invested in the SLAM now! :) But if the cloudiness doesn’t clear up that could be where we’re headed.
Have you spot cleaned the skimmer weir door or the light niche, ladder, etc? Also any pool toys that may go back into the pool.
Your drops in FC are significant on 10/28 from 21 to 14ppm. So test more often to MAINTAIN the FC at the SLAM level. If you are at 60 CYA then target 24ppm for FC SLAM level.
That’s the one day this week I couldn’t add chlorine in the middle of the day. But thanks I will set my CYA a bit higher. Seems like I got that part wrong.
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Almost broke 10k characters.

View attachment 537973

Was this tested and you 'suspect' it because the test is subjective ? Or are you guessing what it is after draining without retesting ?

Also, we only use the 10s. 51-59 = 60. (Etc). It's much easier to only test at the 10s marks.
:ROFLMAO: Sorry I felt the need to be thorough!

I tested but yes the ”subjectivity” of the test is where my uncertainty lies. I didn’t catch that I needed to round up though. Thanks.
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I tested but yes the ”subjectivity” of the test is where my uncertainty lies.
Ok GREAT. Some people, ok, many :roll:, drain a few inches and assume they halved it.......... you'd be surprised. So your remark about suspecting you halved the CYA, stood me right up.

Sorry I felt the need to be thorough!
the more you tell us, the less we need to ask you. (To a degree, of course. Your spouses Netflix que is TMI). :ROFLMAO:

The key to SLAM is to maintain the FC. 'Maintain' isn't 12, 4, 8, 6, 12. It's 12, 12, 12, 12, 12. (Etc).

At first you could blow through a couple FC in 2 hours and it needs to be put back. As the slam progresses, you might go 6 or 8 hours losing 1 FC and then you can spread the testing out further when the FC holds better.

If you're away at tines (like work), then hit it often after work and all evening. Dose early if you need to run out and you can buy yourself that time off for the errand/ soccer game / etc.
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You might be better off to dump that water, scrub & start over especially since you are working with those terrible little cartridges. Be sure to get any seam flaps.
Hopefully you won’t have to do that again now that you have the kit & keep things managed after starting fresh.
Any recommendations for a better filter and or pump? (maybe I should start a new thread for that one and I’m sure it’s been asked before)

Noticed the pump was not pushing water at all and had to spray the cart with the hose to fix it. Whatever muck is in there coats the filter almost like slime eventually reducing its effectiveness to 0%. Fun times in paradise. 😅
Any recommendations for a better filter and or pump?
IMO, the 'upgrades' are still 10X to small and no appreciable difference in performance. Certainly not for the price paid.

Stalk FB marketplace / Craigslist/ OfferUp app for a gently used traditional above ground system.
If you go with an intex one you want the biggest one they sell.
As @Newdude mentioned you get a better value with a “real” above ground setup because the filter is separate from the pump so if the pump dies you just have to replace it not the whole thing.
There’s several options on amazon as well as doheny’s etc. You want around a 13” to 16” sand filter with a 3/4 hp pump. Ranging from around $130- $200+. Maybe less if you don’t mind amazon warehouse.
You wanna put #20 silica sand in it - not some other media.
You will need adapters if its not an intex type pump as the their threads are proprietary (amazon has those too).
Not sure what local options you have but I would certainly make sure you can return it easily if needed.
Until you replace your current setup get some extra filters so you can swap them multiple times a day if needed & always have a clean one ready to go.
You can also try a slime bag to catch the smaller particles.
Or even a skimmer sock tied to the return jet.
But personally I’d just dump it & start fresh.
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