Pump is broken at opening and water is dark green. What to do while waiting on repairs.


Well-known member
Oct 17, 2018
Southern Kentucky
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
We opened up our pool yesterday and discovered that the pump was broken after unwinterizing everything. My husband was unable to fix it so he wants me to call our pool guy to come look at it. It may be a week or two before we get the pump fixed since our pool guy is swamped doing openings right now and he only comes to town 2 days a week. Water is dark green. I'm worried about permanent staining from the algae since it will be a week or two before we can start a SLAM and the pool is uncovered now. Its going to be in the low 80s all week and it is supposed to rain every day.

Would it help prevent stains from the algae if we added some liquid chlorine to the pool and brushed afterwards? Chlorine is $5 a gallon now so I don't want to add chlorine unless it might potentially help prevent stains from developing in the gelcoat. If our pool guy tells us that it will be 2 weeks before the pump is fixed, would it be worth the effort to put the heavy mesh loop loc cover back on to block out some of the sun and prevent debris and mice from getting into the pool?
For now a good brushing and sweeping of the pool surfaces each day would be good. As for chemicals, you can't do a lot. You could slowly add some chlorine and brush it around, but it's like throwing darts in the air. You'll only be hoping to keep things from getting worse and won't see much improvement (if any). What about a separate submersible pump? If you had something like that to mix the water, it could help the chlorine get around much better (coupled with brushing). It won't resolve the algae, but might keep things form getting worse.
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