Newb question - What chemicals to buy?

Great. Once you get the pump up and running, let the pool circulate for a good 24 hours and then run a full set of tests using your proper test kit. Post them here and we can advise.
Me agin. Got the pool open last week, just to get things moving even though it's cold. Vacuumed things over the weekend and took a reading on Sunday.

FC - 5.5
CC - 0
pH - 7.6
TA - 130
CYA - 35

So I realize my alkalinity and CYA need a bit of work. The weather looks to be improving in the coming days and I'm sure the kids will want things to get heated up so they can jump in. I can certainly follow the guidance via the pool math app. Anything else to be concerned about? I believe that by lowering the TA, the pH will also drop? What should I think about there?

Also, I have borates that I'd like to have added at some point. I presume getting the TA and CYA in line first? Should I wait a bit before adding or if added now will that benefit last throughout the remainder of the season?
Looks good. Some that add borates prefer to get TA down a bit before adding. Does not make much difference chemically. Just manage pH in the 7's and let the TA fall where it may.

You can gradually raise CYA if you wish. A 50 ppm level by June should be sufficient when using liquid chlorine.
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I believe that by lowering the TA, the pH will also drop? What should I think about there?

Sort of.

By lowering the pH with acid, the TA will drop. The pH should never be allowed to go below 7.0. So just manage the pH and let the TA drift down to where it wants to be. Dont go trying to lower the TA directly.
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What's the point in checking the Chlorine value daily but FC every week - Using the TF Pro test kit? All pool math cares about is FC and the directions says to check that weekly. What does a chlorine reading along side a pH check offer for a daily test? Also, weekly seems a bit too long, there is FC Chlorine loss pretty quickly it seems.

Still learning.
What's the point in checking the Chlorine value daily but FC every week - Using the TF Pro test kit? All pool math cares about is FC and the directions says to check that weekly. What does a chlorine reading along side a pH check offer for a daily test? Also, weekly seems a bit too long, there is FC Chlorine loss pretty quickly it seems.

Still learning.
The daily tests are a rough check on the Cl values. They are fast, and cheap, to do. The weekly is more precise, and allows one to also test Combined Cl. Me? I almost never do the quick Cl tests, and do the other much more often. It does take a bit longer, and uses up more chemicals, though....
The daily tests are a rough check on the Cl values. They are fast, and cheap, to do. The weekly is more precise, and allows one to also test Combined Cl. Me? I almost never do the quick Cl tests, and do the other much more often. It does take a bit longer, and uses up more chemicals, though....
Oh, ok. Now I see. I wasn't sure what kind of chlorine test the daily is meant for. I get it now, super helpful. Thank you!

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Oh, ok. Now I see. I wasn't sure what kind of chlorine test the daily is meant for. I get it now, super helpful. Thank you!
The yellow oto “daily” measures TC (fc+cc) & only up to 5ppm so its only a rough idea of where you stand as most pools should have 5ppm or greater generally.
For accurate fc use fas/dpd (with the powder)
So how do you handle the combined chlorine piece? Kids jumped in today and of course measured .5ppm CC. I would assume it's inevitable with skin oils, etc? What's the trick there?
So how do you handle the combined chlorine piece? Kids jumped in today and of course measured .5ppm CC. I would assume it's inevitable with skin oils, etc? What's the trick there?
No real reason to test CC unless you are ending a SLAM Process. You can do the test if you suspect an issue, but typically what makes you think you have an issue means you need to SLAM anyway.
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.5ppm cc is a perfectly acceptable value.
Adequate chlorination
Per FC/CYA Levels
& the sun will deal with it in short order anyway.
1ppm cc or higher repeatedly & you may have something going on.
So, my first chemical question - Not sure what to do. My TA has been creeping up a bit, pH is down a bit. I think I need to add some washing soda to fist get the pH up and then hit it with some muriatic acid to bring the TA down (which of course will hit the pH)?

What should I target to get the pH if that's the first step? And then target pH for the muratic acid?

FC - 3.5
pH - 7.2
TA - 130
CYA - 40
BOR - 40
So, my first chemical question - Not sure what to do. My TA has been creeping up a bit, pH is down a bit. I think I need to add some washing soda to fist get the pH up and then hit it with some muriatic acid to bring the TA down (which of course will hit the pH)?

What should I target to get the pH if that's the first step? And then target pH for the muratic acid?

FC - 3.5
pH - 7.2
TA - 130
CYA - 40
BOR - 40
Nope- do nothing- your ph will rise on its own. Then you can lower it again with acid which will reduce ta as well.
Adding washing soda or any chem that increases ph will increase your ta which is the opposite of what you want.
Point your jets up/turn on water features to aerate the water & increase ph without increasing ta if you wish
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Also - be sure to always replenish fc before it reaches minimum (3ppm for you) to avoid algae. Skirting minimum is not advised.
FC/CYA Levels
Aim for high target or a scootch above to give yourself a good buffer.
Nope- do nothing- your ph will rise on its own. Then you can lower it again with acid which will reduce ta as well.
Adding washing soda or any chem that increases ph will increase your ta which is the opposite of what you want.
Point your jets up/turn on water features to aerate the water & increase ph without increasing ta if you wish
If things are fine, weekly, daily tests show everything is in line, is there ever a reason to SLAM?

So glad I found this place. Super simple adding liquid chlorine and muriatic acid every once and a while.

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