Cloudy Pool


In The Industry
May 20, 2024
I have a pool that i cleared in April looked perfect. The pool owner pool a pol RX in the filter. The copper started to sky rocket ro over 1ppm. I have dosed the pool 3 times with metal out. The pool water started to have a green tinge. Not algae bit the copper and chlorine started reacting to make the pool have a green tint. It kept getting worse and worse to over 1.7 on copper. More metal out and then it started clouding. I added floc let is sit 48 hours it looks like milk. More floc milk again. I added clarifier and started trying to run through fliter to hopefully clear the flock and cloudyness. Nothing is working it’s still milky white and i am at a loss. Any help will be appreciated. I have adjust PH from 7.2 to 7.7 nothing chlorine from 5.5 down to .5. Alkalinity from 80 to 160 and back down. Hardness is low at 150. CYA is 20. Please give me a plan.
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Drain the pool. The copper is still in the water.
If the pool is stained, then you need to treat that and drain again.
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I'm pretty suspect that the copper level is actually 1.7 ppm, that's about 10x higher than even PoolRx would recommend. But if it is, then the water needs dumped ASAP. Sequestering that much metal is not going to go well (as you noticed) and floc is not going to remove it.
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