Best pebble finish for turquoise/teal blue water?

Jul 30, 2017
Tucson, AZ
Hi, we're looking at either Pebble Sheen or Stonescapes Mini Pebbles, depending on the PB we go with. We really want a true turquoise blue water color, verging on teal blue. The online wisdom is that you must go with a tan or sand colored finish to achieve this effect, but the PBs we've talked to say this finish results in a very green looking pool, with an algae-like appearance (we definitely don't want that!), at least under the intense sun of Arizona. White pools seem too washed out and pale for our taste. Stonescapes Tropics Blue appears too dark in the photos we've seen. Pebble Sheen Aqua Blue may not be turquoise enough, as people have said it's similar to Pebble Fina Bella Blue, which we've seen in person and is WAY too blue. Can anyone recommend finishes that will give the effect of the Caribbean Sea? A bright, intense turquoise blue that goes teal in the shade? Thanks!
Erdons, have you seen Tropics Blue in person? My monitor shows no turquoise or teal, just straight ahead blue. Eostrike, I have read that Tahoe Blue has some green it it, but again, how dark is it in person? Guess I'm looking for real life sightings and descriptions, since the computer is so confounding. Thanks for responding :cool:

This is while the sun is out.

First pic is the deep end and second is the shallow end.
It is really tough to find what you are looking for as the turquoise color kinda rides between blue and green. I've been looking for something like this as well for my pool reno. Most of them have too much blue in them IMHO. Here's a few pics, do you like any of these:

I love that second one!

The first two pics are Stonescapes Emerald (also available in mini pebble). The third is Stonscapes Jade, and the 4th and 5th are Stonescapes Irish Mist. All have some blue/green in them. There are also a few colors under the Jewelscapes line that have a mix of blue/green in them, such as Aquarium, Lapis, Aquamarine Iridescent, Sea Mist, and Windsurfer. Might also be worth checking out the French Grey from Stonescapes. Also, if you haven't already, download the mobile app from NPT, available in both Apple/Android. The mobile app doesn't have actual real example colors for all finishes, but it has colors for a good many of their finishes. I have found this app handy over the past couple of weeks. :)

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HitchHiker, all of those are lovely, I especially like the last one. Went to NPT today and the winning sample (I know, I know, a sample is very different than when in an actual pool) is Stonescapes mini pebble in Aqua White with "Touch of Glass" Puerto Rico blend. I've asked the PB we're leaning toward to show me some pools with this finish - he acted like not many people choose this finish, so we'll see. He said more people do Aqua Blue - which had a lot of dark aggregate and scares me. I am not interested in a dark pool. Has anyone seen Aqua White in person? How about the "Touch of Glass" additives?
Hi Blu! We just had our pool finished last week and we chose StoneScapes Mini Aqua Blue. We wanted a more "aqua" colored water.


I took these pictures with my phone and the color of the water is a lot more intense on my phone than it is on my monitor. A few things to note are that with all of the pictures that I've taken on my phone, the water ALWAYS comes out darker than what it looks like in person (which I don't mind... I think my pool is very photogenic!), and with the Aqua White, the sample has more white aggregate than the Aqua Blue. From the observations I've made, I think the white may come out lighter in color... In fact, before my interior was poured, my PB kept making the mistake of saying we chose Aqua White instead of Aqua Blue. I had to text him to remind him we chose BLUE... I didn't want my water color to turn out lighter than I pictured. Needless to say, I think the darker aggregates in the blue mixture may give a more teal effect... even with Tahoe Blue and Tropics Blue. But, right on with the Puerto Rico blend. If it wasn't an upgrade, I would have added it to my interior. Hope this helps. Good luck!
Dice, your pool IS very photogenic! Fabulous sheer descents and glass tile! When we started looking at building a pool a couple of years ago, the PBs all tried to steer me away from glass waterline because of our super hard water in Arizona. Now that we're actually making this pool happen a good while later, I feel like they are pushing the glass for waterline. What has changed? I'm concerned about calcification and scrubbing the gloss off of the glass after years of brushing...please share a bit about your decision process, as I certainly think glass is aesthetically superior :) On another note, did you get to see both Aqua White and Aqua Blue in person?
Glass surfaces are more prone to scratches when compared to tile surfaces. Glass also doesn't weather the freeze/thaw cycle as well as tile from what I have been told, though that's not a concern for you folks in Arizona. [emoji1]

As long as you are diligent about keeping your water balanced so you avoid calcification and scaling, which requires scrubbing the glass tile surface, you should be fine. Even then, you can still clean it properly without scratching, just takes a bit more care.
We were seeking the same color here in Arizona were torn between stonescapes aqua cool and aqua white, the difference mostly being the base color. Aqua cool has a gray/white base and white is actually blue ... I think. Anyways, we chose aqua cool and couldn't have been happier. Here's a couple of pics, the color changes with cloud cover, water movement, etc.

image | David Kopack | Flickr

image | David Kopack | Flickr
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Dice, your pool IS very photogenic! Fabulous sheer descents and glass tile! When we started looking at building a pool a couple of years ago, the PBs all tried to steer me away from glass waterline because of our super hard water in Arizona. Now that we're actually making this pool happen a good while later, I feel like they are pushing the glass for waterline. What has changed? I'm concerned about calcification and scrubbing the gloss off of the glass after years of brushing...please share a bit about your decision process, as I certainly think glass is aesthetically superior :) On another note, did you get to see both Aqua White and Aqua Blue in person?

Actually, our tile is porcelain. I brought home several tile samples from NPT & Noble Tile and I ordered several more from different online websites before making a decision... it took me, maybe 2 months to decide which tile I was going to go for. In all honesty, a lot of my final decision was based on price. The tiles we were considering ranged from $3-$27/sq. ft. So, for us, the more expensive tiles were immediately out - these were the fancy glass tiles. We ultimately chose the tile that gave us the LOOK that we wanted and it ended up being $7.85/sq. ft with contractor discount - Original price was $8 and we only got $.15 off because the tile just came into the store that week.


I never saw any pool finishes in person. We interviewed 8 PBs and they all said that the more black/brown in the mixture (whether it's background color or aggregate), the darker and more green the finish/water was going to be. My neighbors across the street finished their pool over a month ago, and although I don't know what interior they chose, I know theirs has more gray, black, and even blue glass in it. Their water is considerably a deeper, bluer-green than mine. I also did A LOT of research and googled different finishes on YouTube to see videos of water colors.
We were seeking the same color here in Arizona were torn between stonescapes aqua cool and aqua white, the difference mostly being the base color. Aqua cool has a gray/white base and white is actually blue ... I think. Anyways, we chose aqua cool and couldn't have been happier. Here's a couple of pics, the color changes with cloud cover, water movement, etc.

image | David Kopack | Flickr

image | David Kopack | Flickr

I liked the second option here - I see more green in the first... could just be me though :)

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