Are my ranges correct?


Bronze Supporter
Aug 31, 2015
walla walla, wa
I have a Hot Springs Flair (310 gallons, purchased in 2017) that uses the Scepter Salt Cell.
Can someone tell me if the following ranges are good for my setup?

CYA 30-40
FC 2-6 (Will be dependent on CYA)
PH 7.2-7.8
TA 50-90
CH ^100 (am I understanding correctly that, let's say it's at 100 and not foaming that it's fine, but if it's foaming, to raise it?)

Also, does the app have a way to change the "pool" to a spa/hot tub? I've been using it as a pool because I see no way of changing it and I have it set as fiberglass because I don't see a way to change it to acrylic (I believe that's what my hot tub is??)

*I have been using TFP method and app for my pool for a few years now without issue, but new to using this for the hot tub*
Are you gonna add borates? If so your pH will settle 7.7-7.8. If you try and reduce it, it will go right back to 7.6-7.8.

I ran my first 6 months with CH at 100. I am experimenting with taking CH to 150 to see if it reduces foaming and the effervescence I had before. It’s been 2 weeks and considerably less foaming. BUT, this is after water change May 1st. So, I don’t know for sure yet.