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  3. Selenap


    No. About 8 hours. Today it’s much improved. Alk at 90. Ph rose to 8.0 I added some borax and baking soda last night. Not as murky. It just needs to filter for a few days.
  4. Selenap


    This is what happens when you get lazy over the winter. It’s murky but it’s not the worse I’ve seen. I didn’t cover so my water has been replaced, at least a foot. It’s basically rain water now.
  5. Selenap


  6. 3C5E2D47-6540-4CBD-AF1B-BFF71CBE84AB.png


  7. Selenap

    Betta 2

    I have a 21x43 with one skimmer. While it might not be ideal, this pool has been cooking along for 7 years with the same old waterway 2hp 2 speed pump. (Knock on wood)I do buy a new 200 sq ft cartridge every year. She lives under pine trees, and whatever else is in these hills. I run it wide...
  8. Selenap

    Limestone dust? under whole pool?

    I have clay, sand, and 1/4 inch hardboard insulation under my pool. Stable as can be 5 years running.
  9. Selenap

    What size scoop for the R-0870 powder?

    It is approximately 1/8 of a teaspoon
  10. Selenap

    Non stabilizer chlorine tabs

    Yes for a week. Even stabilized is ok if your god on your stabilizer. If calcium is well into normal the plain tablets are good. 5 or 6 tablets either way won’t make it break the bank over one week. Continuously using the will however. Have fun and don’t sweat either method. A pool is no fun if...
  11. Selenap

    getting blamed for a rash.

    Oh you know when you got chiggers. Lol. I know people who got them so bad they went to the er. Make you want to peel your skin off.
  12. Selenap

    Garters made the pool shed their own

    Snake mating balls ranks up there with most vile things on earth.
  13. Selenap

    Garters made the pool shed their own

    Wanna have a stroke? This is how you have a stroke. We have a manual open garage door. When my husband pulled it down one evening last summer a 5 foot black snake came down with it on top of him. 6’2” big man screamed like a schoolgirl and I believe May have cried a little. I was inside the...
  14. Selenap

    Pool Fools

    Giardia and ecoli gang where ya at? Nope. I’d trust a public pool over some random yahoo like me renting their pool out. I couldn’t even do that. I let the neighbor girls and their friends swim but I’m always testing afterwards. Plus they have decent control of their bowels I think.
  15. Selenap

    Pool wall setup in stages - Hooks & stakes

    Yes. I removed my old liner last year and put the top rails back on to stabilize it. It’s a pain but I had to wait over a week before I could install the new liner. If you’re worried about wind stake it inside and out between the posts or against the prevailing wind side. Don’t forget to smack...
  16. Selenap

    Official 2022 BBQ, Smoking, Grilling, Baking and Beer thread

    I’d kill for an ugly omelette right now. I’m on a bland diet for colitis. I’d eat the heck out of it. Lol
  17. Selenap

    I have a smoking habit.

    Unfortunately nothing. Maybe a steak later. Like to smoke for an hour and reverse sear. I have been sick. My appetite is there but I can’t hold down much food. Inflamed colon. Pork is out but I think I can get my husband to pick up some beef ribs for tomorrow. All I can season with is salt. Lol...
  18. Selenap

    Aiper Segagull 3000 - Anyone have experience with Aiper Brand Robots

    I have an Aiper 1200 I think it is. 3 months in and it’s going strong. It even collects pollen. It climbs walls like a beast though and if your pool is overfilled, it’ll climb right out. Lol
  19. Selenap

    Aiper Segagull 3000 - Anyone have experience with Aiper Brand Robots

    Hey! I grew up in Ferndale!
  20. Selenap

    Neighbor's kids threw dog poo and basically destroyed my pool!

    I’m petty and I conveniently have a colonoscopy coming up and gotta drink that stuff. PM address of offending neighbor and I’ll have a package shipped on dry ice. 😂
  21. Selenap


    I hope they help you clean that up. Maybe use those oil sucker uppers they use in the ocean or gas stations. Looks like a long snake stuffed with stuff. I’d be so unbelievably torked if that happened to me...
  22. Selenap

    Official 2022 BBQ, Smoking, Grilling, Baking and Beer thread

    I don’t know about this thread but I knocked out a small brisket and attempted a smoked London Broil. The broil I cooked at 180 for 2 hours and seared at 500 to medium rare, after marinating 24 in soy, garlic, red wine vinegar onion. It was not too bad, not as tough as I thought it would be but...
  23. Selenap

    Whats your after swim routine?

    Well since I quit drinking it’s not passing out halfway into the house soaking wet and sun burned. I generally get in the pool late afternoon so it’s supper time when I get out.
  24. Selenap

    I have a smoking habit.

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  27. Selenap

    New to variable speed

    Indeed I have an agp. It’s not comparable with what you got. So really I’m useless. I was just missing 45,000 gallons is a lot of water. This went to the wrong spot and still no delete button. Sorry
  28. Selenap

    New to variable speed

    I don’t have a recommendation but that’s a lot of water to pump. I need a new one soon to pump 25,000 and it’s going to be Hayward power flow matrix 1.5 hp 2 speed for like $500. Well it might be a $1,000 with inflation.