Search results

  1. lightmaster

    Circupool RJ45, low salt and check cell light on

    I have a Circupool RJ45 SWG. Noticed last week that it was not producing chlorine and had the "low salt" and "check cell" lights lit up. I checked the salt and the drop test came back with 4400. The manual says it's good from 3000-4000, so it's a bit high, but it's not the high light that's...
  2. lightmaster

    Troubleshooting Dolphin S300 "DC In Voltage" error

    My Dolphin S300 is acting up. Runs for about 10-30 seconds in cleaning mode, but runs perfectly fine driving it manually. I noticed an error message in the app that says "DC In Voltage". I checked the impeller for any obstructions, but it was clear. I stumbled upon this troubleshooting guide...
  3. lightmaster

    VS Pump recommendations

    My current (well, previous now) pump just let out the magic smoke when it went to turn on this morning, throwing the breaker and reaching skin-scalding temps within a few seconds. So, guess we're in the market for a new pump now. Looking to replace it with a more energy-efficient variable speed...
  4. lightmaster

    HTH Green to Blue I Shock

    HTH's Super Green to Blue 1 Shock with Active ingredients: Calcium Hypoclorite 56.44% Otther Ingredients: 43.56% Is this stuff just rebranded Cal Hypo, or are there other less desirable stuff in it too? Talking about just the bags with the red SHOCK label on them, NOT the bags of Green to...
  5. lightmaster

    Discrepancy between TFTestkit Salt results and Circupool SWG reported levels

    Just got a TF-100 Pro (really love the blue case that comes with it) to replace the TF-100 kit I gave to a friend. I've noticed that the results from the Salt test are consistent, but consistently lower than the values my Circupool RJ-45 reports. It says the average salinity is 2700. My TF-100...
  6. lightmaster

    PoolMath app - SLAM mode

    Love the PoolMath app, but unless I'm missing something obvious, is there no way to active SLAM mode so it will stop telling you your FC is too high when you're SLAMing your pool? I would think you should be able to flip a setting in the app to activate SLAM mode and it will automatically use...
  7. lightmaster

    Flashing Suraielec Timer with Tasmota

    Found this Wifi Timer by Suraielec ( and it looks like its supported by Tasmota (Suraielec 40A Heavy Duty Outdoor Plug (UBTW01B) Configuration for Tasmota). Has anyone that has this timer tried this? Would be cool to get Home Assistant and Node-RED to...
  8. lightmaster

    Can anyone identify this pump?

    Bought a house with a pool, and the pump has no brand or model number on it (stickers faded with age). Need to order an oring for the lid and new thumb screws too, just don't know what pump it is to find parts for.
  9. lightmaster

    Bought house with a swamp pool

    Just bought a house that the owners didn't take care of the pool very well. It's 35k gallons with sand filter and SWG (not using yet due to swamp). CYA was below min reading of test, so been working on adding enough CYA to get to 40ppm and using a FC target of 20ppm. SLAMed for 2 days, using 24...
  10. lightmaster

    Testing forum hosting vs postimg

    Hosted by TFP forum Hosted by
  11. lightmaster

    Getting an Error message when trying to "Go Advanced" from a Private Message

    Getting an Error message when trying to "Go Advanced" from a Private Message Whenever I click the button to go to the advanced page from a private message, chrome gives me an error message and blocks that page saying there is suspicious activity:
  12. lightmaster

    Random cleaning service website - It's like they want your pool to be dirty....

    Don't turn on filter.... avoid stirring up water.... add liquid or granular shock... Ignore the pool during the daytime cuz it'll negatively effect your pool.... Continue this process for several days with no filtration or circulation until your pool is magically clear, then turn your filter...
  13. lightmaster

    Dropped based iron test

    Anyone know a decent drop based iron test? Saw Lamotte Iron Test Kit for around $20-30, anyone know if this is reliable?
  14. lightmaster

    Making a Raspberry Pi pool monitor

    I'm gonna use a Raspberry Pi to collect and remotely display some info to monitor my pool. I'll end up monitoring pump on/off, water/air temperature, salinity, and pH. Gonna start with just whether the pump is on and off and while researching how to detect electrical voltage/current, I...
  15. lightmaster

    Make your own pH standard solution

    Would it be possible to make your own pH standard solution? Say by taking X amount of distilled water and adding Y amount of muriatic acid to get it a specific pH.
  16. lightmaster

    Algae, Dirt, Iron, or what?

    Pulled back my winter cover this week and noticed some stuff spread out along the floor of my pool. Hard to tell if its dark green or brown. My first assumption was that it was algae that formed over the winter, however when I did my first test prior to adding anything to the pool this year, my...
  17. lightmaster

    Can an IG robotic cleaner work in an AG pool?

    I'm wanting to buy a robotic cleaner (specifically a Dolphin after reading many good reviews), and I was wondering if the ones meant for in-ground pools would work in an above ground vinyl pool. Assuming it's safe for IG vinyl, I don't see how AG vinyl would be any different. Dolphin seems to...
  18. lightmaster

    Betraying my TFP with trichlor while on vacation

    Saturday, I'm leaving for a 4 day vacation to watch the total solar eclipse, and since I'm using liquid chlorine every day and definitely don't trust my neighbors (or in-laws) to remember to add chlorine, I'm gonna bring my pool up to shock level and add some trichlor tabs in a floater to make...
  19. lightmaster

    Testing image hosting through google

    - - - Updated - - -
  20. lightmaster

    My Above Ground Pool Modifications

    Been planning to install a skimmer and hard plumb my 18'x48" AG pool for a while now, and now I'm finally getting around to it. I've already connected my new Hayward Power-Flo LX 1HP and Hayward Easy-Clear filter, but its still using the hoses that came with my pool. Once all the parts arrive in...
  21. lightmaster

    New pump overheats and shuts off

    I purchased a Hayward C4001575XES and just installed it, replacing my Coleman (Bestway) stock pump and filter. I bled the air out of the system and started it up. Seemed to run fine for a minute, then shut off. Went to the breaker and checked, and sure enough, it was tripped. Reset it and tried...
  22. lightmaster

    CYA level for Georgia pool with all day sun

    I live in Georgia where the temps are regularly hitting the upper 90’s lately, and my pool gets full sun all day long. My CYA is currently at 40, but my FC drops by 2-2.5 daily, occasionally by 3. Should I bump my CYA up a little higher, or is a 2-2.5 drop in FC daily considered normal?
  23. lightmaster

    Hard Piping AG pool

    I am converting my Coleman 18'x48" above ground pool to PVC pipes. Still using the pump that came with it, but will be upgrading that during the off season. Wanted to get other people to double check my plan before I order the pieces for it. Yes, I know the coleman/intex pump/filters have a...
  24. lightmaster

    If you’ve got iron in your fill water, use Polyfill to remove it

    EDIT: Found out this method only works if your iron is oxidized already, meaning it’s got a dull or bright green tint to the water, or a nasty brown tint. If you know you have iron in your fill water, but it isn’t oxidized yet, bring your pool to shock level and it’ll turn the telltale green...
  25. lightmaster

    Good pump and cartridge filter for above ground pool

    I've got a Coleman 18'x48" AG pool with an estimated 6700 gallons in it. Currently using the cheap filter pump combo that came with it and I'm trying to find a good pump and sand cartridge filter (combo or separate, either is fine) to replace it. I plan to replace the soft hoses that came with...
  26. lightmaster

    My first pool and want to get it set up and balanced right

    I've got a Coleman 18'x48" pool that holds, by my math, 6700 gallons. When I first got it, i just threw it up in a mostly level part of the yard and tried using the Clorox Pool assistant app (DO NOT USE THIS POS) and within 3 days went from crystal clear well water to water so cloudy it would...