Wait to add more salt or go ahead?


Well-known member
Oct 3, 2015
Rochester, NY
My pool is 20,000 gallons. At least that's what the math says and I've always balanced against 20k wirh success.

Moving to SWG. I added 600 lbs of salt total. 36 hours later (I have less than ideal circulation), the swg is reading 2800 to 3000 ppm.

24 hours read 2400.
36 hours read 2800.
No visible salt on bottom.

Salt testing with kit is also registering 2800.

I'll test again tonight for 48 hours. Issue is I'm worried about adding more salt despite testing low.

Math says 600 lbs should be perfect. Just thinking about how long to wait. Assume if I test 2800 again at 48 hours I'm probably safe to add. Or debating on waiting 72 hours.
If you overshoot, you're draining that brand new salt. With known circulation issues, what's another day or two ?

New toy syndrome. BELIEVE me I get it. I promise. :hug: Give it a couple days.
Got it. My RJ60 runs fine at 2800, but that's on the low end. I'd start it up and then test salt again a few days from now. You'll then know that you can add more...
Turned it on at 2800 per your note and was surprised/relieved to see it not give low salt and shut off. Didn't know it would run under 3000 instant.

At 3000 - 3100 instant now. I'll do a salt test in the morning.

Sometimes just need a sounding board before I make any rash decisions I guess
As @Newdude alluded, you can't take it out, you can only put it in.
I get low salt warnings around 2400-2500 on my RJ60+.
Yeah I overshot with the 15 bags. Currently at 4800. I vacuumed to waste yesterday about halfway down the skimmer and refilled to top of skimmer. Was over 5000k. Reading 4600 to 4900 on RJ 60 and 4800 on salt test.

Supposed to rain tomorrow possibly and then supposed to rain next week. I'll vacuum to waste after it rains, refill and check after 24 hours. And slowly work my way back down over the next week. It's still generating but would like to get it down.

If vacuum to bottom of skimmer should take 2, maybe three times to get it down based on poolmath.

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