What did you do to your pool today?

Now that the leak is repaired. Put 2” of water in the pool. Got the refills so ran a full set of tests.

The repair guys made the spa a little cloudy so going to run a quick 24 SLAM before I start raising CYA.
No extra stuff (fabric enhancers) I hope. The last msds of it is clear but its from 2021. I haven’t laid my eyes on any in a while.
Our aldi has been carrying the chloralen plain & its fine to use.
I've been using Aldi's house brand bleach for a few years now and never run into an issue with additives.
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Opened the pool today. Vacuumed all the worms, scrubbed it off and everything is operational. Pool water is 47 degrees, added some liquid chlorine left over from last year. Rain until Friday. Put the auto cover on and let the filter run for 24 hours then back to regular 8-6 schedule. I will add CYA, Salt, Calcium Hardness and Baking Soda on Fri, Sat and Sun. Should be balanced by beginning of next week.
Opened the pool today. Vacuumed all the worms, scrubbed it off and everything is operational. Pool water is 47 degrees, added some liquid chlorine left over from last year. Rain until Friday. Put the auto cover on and let the filter run for 24 hours then back to regular 8-6 schedule. I will add CYA, Salt, Calcium Hardness and Baking Soda on Fri, Sat and Sun. Should be balanced by beginning of next week.

Wow, you open early. I am planning on an early May opening.
I only saw a small amount of my floor, but there were at least a couple piles of spaghetti down there.

I'll give the new protuff net a go once the cover is pulled. New toys and whatnot.

Protuff stuff is excellent. I got the pole last year when my freebie that came with the pool died and I got the super fine net as well. Totally worth the money. The pole is built like a tank, love that thing!!
Wow, you open early. I am planning on an early May opening.

Yeah, the cost of the VS pump is minimal to avoid any chance of opening to a green pool. Don't ever want to deal with that so I open early and close late (beginning of November).
Protuff stuff is excellent. I got the pole last year when my freebie that came with the pool died and I got the super fine net as well. Totally worth the money. The pole is built like a tank, love that thing!!

Never heard of the stuff. Just looked up their web page, and their pole indeed looks quite nice.

Just don't listen to their pool maintenance tips. Just skimmed through it and felt an urgent need to rinse my eyes with bleach. I don't know what makes people think that a manufacturer of a pool pole is a water chemistry expert.

The only good advice they give is to use liquid chlorine instead of tabs. But no mention of tabs adding CYA and what that will cause eventually. No. Listen carefully, I will say this only once. A pool turns cloudy from use of chlorine tabs because of the animal fats used to make the powder stick together. The animal fats will over time goop up your filter. :brickwall: :brickwall: :brickwall:
So a while back I posted a pic of how I was using a mirror to get the angle my pool cam needed to see the end of my overflow pipe. I want to be able to know when my pool is dribbling, especially in the summer, which would indicate a leaking auto-fill valve. I had done this:

overflow pipe 4.jpg

But it hasn't been working all that well. Some plants had grown in the way, and the mirror was getting messed up by the rain. So I raised the mirror on the post, and installed a little roof for it, and that solved for the rain and the plant, but then I got a new problem. The mirror kept moving around. I suspect either the dirt or wood post was swelling enough, due to rain, to cause the post and/or mirror mount to move around just enough to throw off the aim of my mirror. No matter how many times I re-aimed it, it would be off again the next day.

So I moved it again, down lower, and attached it to the metal fence, not the wood post. I reinstalled the roof (just a sheet of pre-painted flashing I found at Lowes). The metal fence won't swell, and down lower won't be subjected as much (or at all) to swelling posts. There are no plants growing in front of it now, either (that's a drainage well full of rocks). Time will tell.

I solved for another issue too, which was drips from the outlet pipe were wicking back up the bottom of the pipe, which would then seep into the soil where I wouldn't see them. Which negated the whole purpose of watching the pipe! So I took a torch to the end and reformed it into a little spout, and that works to send the drips down right at the end of the pipe.

So the torch work hosed my paint job, and I never liked the bright green color I had chosen anyway, so I repainted the pipe all camo style.

And then I ate dinner!

New mirror location and "roof," no plants in the way!
overflow pipe 6.jpg

Camo overflow pipe outlet!
overflow pipe 5.jpg

Reshaped end of pipe to control drips wicking back to the dirt:
overflow pipe 9.jpg

And this is a still from my cam. In live view I can now see even a slow drip coming off the pipe.overflow pipe 8.jpg

This is the resolution my cam can get on my laptop. The other bonus to moving my mirror is now my cam's autofocus uses the rocks just below the mirror, instead of the trees in the background, which would always make my pipe a little out of focus. I can manually focus my cam, but now I don't have to. This is a crop from a still off my cam, without manual focus:
overflow pipe 7.jpg

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Started adding salt to bring the level up to the right threshold for the SWG. Cleaned, cleaned, cleaned.
Made sure all the automaton and hardware were functioning like they should be. Fired the heater to make sure it was going to work when I need it.
Watching the torrential rain for the 2nd straight day with another day ahead!! :mad:
I think we're at 6" of rain over the past two weeks here. Insanity.

edit: I just went back and checked based on some local weather stations. We've gotten 7.84" in the last 17 days.
I think we're at 6" of rain over the past two weeks here. Insanity.

edit: I just went back and checked based on some local weather stations. We've gotten 7.84" in the last 17 days.
Yeah I don't want to hear about sprinkling restrictions or water issues this summer. Reservoirs should be topped off.
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The great flood perhaps may have receded and the Honda mower is getting anxious to get out there and get to work!! Need a day or two to dry out!!
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Just drained yesterday's storm out. SO much easier after the soft open. 2 weeks ago I was fetching the submersible, hose, extension cord, cover removal tube and a bucket.

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I'm adding liquid chlorine and testing as my SWG control quit working on Monday. Control is in for warranty repair and I'm having to do the manual stuff to keep my pool crystal clear until I get the control back and hooked up!🙁
Thankfully you weren't away and that happened.

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