Recent content by kaseydog

  1. kaseydog


    This is likely a dumb question....but I am assuming I would turn the pump off once it gets close to the bottom of the skimmer level right? My system is a flooded unit (equipment is below the pool)
  2. kaseydog

    Oily Residue On Water Under Auto Cover

    It is a very odd situation. I have not exactly figured it out. I had the coverstar people out and it is not the cover. I explained that it could possibly be the pump. They said they would replace it, however they have not done so yet. BUT--- I have not really had this issue for over a month now...
  3. kaseydog

    Oily Residue On Water Under Auto Cover

    I'll check it when i get home. I looked at that thread and he never said that he figured it out what it was though. How would you clean the bottom of the cover anyway?
  4. kaseydog

    Oily Residue On Water Under Auto Cover

    So I have no idea how to check if it is leaking oil. There is no residue that I could see. I did put the cover on last night without the pump as there was no rain the forecast....woke up this morning and the oil spill had returned. So I'm guessing it's more likely something with the cover than...
  5. kaseydog

    Oily Residue On Water Under Auto Cover

    I had to have new brackets placed in the cover box in early June. Do you think the coverstar people would've cleaned it themselves while they were there working on the brackets maybe?
  6. kaseydog

    Oily Residue On Water Under Auto Cover

    Oh I read your initial post wrong at first. I thought you meant something from the cover mechanism was leaking. You think it could be the pump? If that is the case, wouldn't I see a big spot on the cover where the oil was though? I'm not home but I think it's this one I have the coverstar...
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  8. kaseydog

    Oily Residue On Water Under Auto Cover

    Yeah that seems like a reasonable excuse. I will contact coverstar
  9. kaseydog

    Oily Residue On Water Under Auto Cover

    Hi....I saw someone else post about this a few years ago but that thread is closed and I didn't see a resolution. I am baffled by this. Pool is only a year old. This year I have noticed this oily residue in the morning after I open the cover. We have our nephews over a lot so my wife and I just...
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  13. kaseydog

    Calcium Crystals

    I can scratch them off with my fingernails no problem. What kind of brush did you use? I have a stainless steel wire brush. Maybe I need a more sturdy one though...
  14. kaseydog

    Calcium Crystals

    Dealing with the same issue....brushing doesn't seem to work really well though. Been using Stain and Scale Control by Natural Chemisty. Brushing every day... What does work, but is incredibly tedious, is using linoleum knife to just scrape them off. Just have to be really careful to not...
  15. kaseydog


    Thank do you leave it on during freezing temps when there is no precipitation? And what about during a sleet/rain storm below 32 degrees? Would you let that water build up until temps go back over 32?