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    • J
      j4ydubs replied to the thread AQL-PS-8 Remote Emulator App.
      I use the Samba share add-on as well as the Studio Code Server add-on. Studio Code is nice if you're not on your network...
    • J
      j4ydubs replied to the thread AQL-PS-8 Remote Emulator App.
      It did that because I added code that gives the entities a unique_id. Previous code, the entities were not persistent (and you couldn't...
    • J
      j4ydubs replied to the thread AQL-PS-8 Remote Emulator App.
      Replace that line (302) in core.py with: text = frame.replace(b'\xdf', b'\xc2\xb0').decode('latin-1') I'm not sure why that's...
    • J
      j4ydubs replied to the thread AQL-PS-8 Remote Emulator App.
      I had a bunch of problems with uncaught exceptions, so I added code to trap them and keep the program running (reconnecting when...
    • J
      j4ydubs reacted to mas985's post in the thread AQL-PS-8 Remote Emulator App with Like Like.
      I actually did some time ago but it has changed a bit since then so feel free to share it.
    • J
      j4ydubs replied to the thread AQL-PS-8 Remote Emulator App.
      Thanks for the code. I was just coming here to say I did get it to work. I had to comment out the 2 extra "self._append_data(frame...
    • J
      j4ydubs replied to the thread AQL-PS-8 Remote Emulator App.
      There's a couple of people with P4's that have changed the code to support it. I just copied what they did. This seems to be the...
    • J
      j4ydubs replied to the thread AQL-PS-8 Remote Emulator App.
      I have a P4. So your script is managing all the key presses and timing? Interesting. I wonder if you script is overriding what HA...
    • J
      j4ydubs replied to the thread AQL-PS-8 Remote Emulator App.
      Hey Mark, Thanks for creating this app. I have the Android version install and it's works well. I also implemented the Home Assistant...
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