SLAMing very cloudy water - any hints or tips?

Sep 23, 2015
Had to get repairs to pool pump and a leak.... pool went horribly green. :-( I've started the SLAM and now its cloudy and blue. Very, very cloudy. I keep backwashing the DE filter but it only takes 1 hour to get it clogged up again. Any ideas? Just keep up with the backwashing? Take out the filter and clean down with water ?
Do you have an MPV on the DE filter with a RECIRCULATE setting?
Had to get repairs to pool pump and a leak.... pool went horribly green. :-( I've started the SLAM and now its cloudy and blue. Very, very cloudy. I keep backwashing the DE filter but it only takes 1 hour to get it clogged up again. Any ideas? Just keep up with the backwashing? Take out the filter and clean down with water ?
Do you have a manual vacuum and hose to connect to the skimmer suction?
If so, you can connect that and put the MPV to WASTE. This will remove water from the pool but also any dead algae will go to waste rather than to your DE filter.

I would continue to SLAM - most importantly is to MAINTAIN the SLAM level based on your CYA ppm. This will keep the FC fighting the algae.
Do you have a manual vacuum and hose to connect to the skimmer suction?
If so, you can connect that and put the MPV to WASTE. This will remove water from the pool but also any dead algae will go to waste rather than to your DE filter.

I would continue to SLAM - most importantly is to MAINTAIN the SLAM level based on your CYA ppm. This will keep the FC fighting the algae.
no, I don't have a manual vacuum.
I have a polaris pool cleaner.
yes I do. But will that filter out the algae?
Kill the algae first and stop it from growing with the MPV in RECIRCULATE. That lets you keep the FC up without minding the filter evert hour.

Once most on the algae is dead then you spend some time at the pool filtering the algae out and backwashing as often as necessary.
Kill the algae first and stop it from growing with the MPV in RECIRCULATE. That lets you keep the FC up without minding the filter evert hour.

Once most on the algae is dead then you spend some time at the pool filtering the algae out and backwashing as often as necessary.
This is where I am.
I am adding very little bleach now. As I said in my first post, the pool is now BLUE and cloudy.
So, all I can do is just keep up with the backwashing?
This is where I am.
I am adding very little bleach now. As I said in my first post, the pool is now BLUE and cloudy.
So, all I can do is just keep up with the backwashing?