Winter Cover - Esther Williams Pool


May 16, 2024
Lockport, NY
I know we're a bit away from pool closing time, but I've been struggling with this since we bought our house 4 years ago. We inherited an Esther Williams pool with our house, with a "walkway" all the way around it. It has made closing it for the Winter (we're in Western NY) a challenge. I've gone through a couple of covers that were completely ripped apart by the wind. I've tried water bags, strapping the covers down, etc. Nothing seems to work. Right now, I'm using a mesh cover. That works decently, but I end up with tons of algae. It took 2 to 3 weeks of the SLAM process and running the filter 24/7 to clear it this year (it was killed quickly, but filtering out the dead took time). Is there anyone else out there that has a similar pool? What are you doing for the Winter?
We're about about 3 hours east of you. Not sure what you mean by a walkway. We have a 3 ft wide concrete "deck" around our pool that could be called a walkway. The pool is away from the house maybe 150 ft, up hill, exposed to North/Northwest wind. Which can be vicious. I use water bags, they are filled no more than halfway so they don't bust their seams with freezing and laid end to end so there are no gaps. On the north side, I double up, 2 courses of water bags. This year, I was late closing the pool because we ordered a new cover and it was backordered. And I opened 2 weeks ago, far earlier than ever. My pool was almost ready to swim, just needed chlorination and worms vacuumed up - really, really around at that.
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