Trying to get chemical balance right


New member
May 9, 2024

I had a pool installed 3 weeks ago, and I'm working with the builder to get everything balanced out.

16,500 gallon, fiberglass, saltwater, pool-spa combo.

I brought a sample in today, and the told me it looked pretty bad.

FC - 0.02
TC - 0.22
pH - 7.7
TA - 126
CH - 75
CYA - 5
Fe - 0.1
CU - 0.3
Phos - 4000 ppb
Salt - 2229 ppm

I appreciate any advice or recommendations to get this in better shape. The store recommended starting with metal remover, but at 0.3 is it really that bad?

Thank you
Welcome to TFP!!!

One of the foundations of TFP is that you test your own water. We have found pool store testing to not be accurate enough to maintain the pool properly.

Get one of our recommended test kit. Link-->Test Kits Compared

Add 3ppm of liquid chlorine per day until your kit arrives. Nothing else.

Download pool math (link-->PoolMath) and configure your pool. You can use it to figure out how much chlorine you need to add to add 3ppm. (hint...1/2 a gallon)

When your kit arrives, post a full set of results...

You Got This Good Luck Today GIF by MOODMAN
Welcome to TFP! :wave: First let me begin by saying here at TFP we place very little credibility on pool store testing. Is just that bad. That also means the copper level they show may not be accurate. Copper is usually introduced by someone, so either someone dumped a lot of copper based product in your water, or the store testing is bogus.

Definitely get one of those test kits like above. You'll be glad you did.

Also see ------> Pool Care Basics
Thank you. I actually got the test kit, and we ran our first test tonight.

FC - 0.5
CC - 1
TC - 1.5
CH - 75
ALK - 110
CYA - 5 (I could see the black dot with the column full, but the pool store told me it was 5, so going with that)
PH - 8.0 (using meter from TFTestkits)

It looks like I have some work to do. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
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