Troubleshooting an autofill


Aug 5, 2018
Fort Worth, TX
We have an autofill plumbed into our in ground pool. It sits about 6ft off the pool. A couple years ago we had turf put into our backyard. The ground was leveled and compacted and the autofill worked fine until this year. The ground has since settled further such that the level of the autofill box seems to have effectively dropped a couple of inches as compared to the pool, meaning the level of the pool gets down VERY far before the autofill is triggered, only 1/2 an inch above the skimmers or so.

I have tried adjusting the filler valve to account for it but it seems to be at its height limit and is even touching the cover of the circular box that houses the valve. Is my only option to dig out the box and raise it? Doing so will put it above the level of the ground, so trying to make sure I'm thinking about it correctly.
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