Tri Chlor pucks or Liquid Chlorine


New member
Aug 2, 2024
Pool Size
Hello, my second year with a pool and my first post.....I am still learning and have tried searching the answer on Google but I think this is the best place to ask.....I use stabilized chlorine pucks in my Hawyard Chlorine Feeder AND sometimes shock the pool with shock (chlorinating granules). I was only shocking it this summer as we experiences a couple of algae blooms.
I notice a lot of people on TFP are saying to use Liquid Chlorine as the main question is should I be using Liquid Chlorine used INSTEAD of chlorine pucks and shock OR is it used on top of those things? Should I stop using the chlorine pucks and shock and use liquid chlorine instead? Will using liquid chlorine on top of my regular routine help to prevent future algae blooms? Thanks for any information!!
Hello and welcome! Everything TFP espouses, including whether or not it's ok for you to continue using those forms of chlorine, depends entirely upon knowing what your current pool's chemical levels are. Knowing those levels in-turn depends upon YOU testing the water YOURSELF with one of the recommended
Test Kits Compared.

Please read through
Pool Care Basics.

Generally, tablets and powdered shock are not recommended here because they add more than just chlorine to your water - they also add CYA and/or calcium. Both CYA and calcium are needed in (most) pools, but only up to a certain level. Too much can quickly harm your pool-care experience. Liquid chlorine only adds chlorine and is therefore recommended.

To be sure, blindly "shocking" when algae is seen is not consistent with TFP. Have a read through the pool school and come back w any questions.
Follow guidelines here. I did for a long time then got lazy and believed the manager at the local Leslie’s that using nothing but a ton of pucs would be fine. I ended up having to drain the entire 18k and start over. Hopefully your cya isn’t so high yet that you have to do the same.
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