Too much muriatic acid?

Jun 16, 2024
Owatonna, MN
Hi all,
I'm looking for advice. 18ft x 48" round, vinyl pool. Filled with well water, added one bottle metal out. Waited 24 hrs, tested TA using Taylor 2006c, result 240. Added 1 gallon muriatic acid. Waited 48hrs, repeat test reads 240.. added another gallon. Waited another 24hrs, and test still reads 240. Is there a such thing as "too much muriatic acid".. especially for such a small pool? Do I really add more, or how long do I wait to retest? pH reads 7.6

Thanks all.. any and all advice appreciated!
Even 14.5% would lower your TA by over 30 ppm per gallon.

Stop adding acid and confirm your testing methods.
Ahh -- so no idea. Regardless, even at the low %, you have added enough acid to severely lower your pH in the short term.

Let things circulate for a day and check TA again.

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