tiny air bubbles coming out of the return lines

I opened the pool in the morning. Everything went smoothly, except for tiny air bubbles coming out of the return lines. and as long as I opened the filter top valve (twist the pressure meter) there are more or less air released from it. Btw, so far I don't notice any significant leaking yet and I will keep watching water level.

I remember people say the tiny bubbles indicate in-line leaking, however when I open the pool cover, the water is on the top of the edge of the pool after a whole winter. So there shouldn't be any leaking I think. Unless the leaking is inside the in-line pipes, which were blocked using the rubber plugs. But I did see the red antifreeze flowing out of it when I unplug the plugs.

Do you think if there is any other possibilities which can cause air bubbles?

thank you very much.
The SWG can create tiny bubbles when working, turn it off and see if the issue goes away.

An aside- are you sure about your pool size in gallons? 32,000 is a lot for a 20x40 unless it's really deep.
Thank you Guys for your quick response.

A1. it is 9-foot deep on one side and 3 1/2 deep on the other side, and slope in between. So I estimate it is like 30K to 32K gallons of water. does it make sense?
A2. Yes. I do have boost on. (I actually don't quite know what it is for exactly. Since I want to get rid of the alge ASAP, besides SLAM, I turned on the boost of SWG for 24hr. Am I right of doing that? If not, pls let me know and also let me know what the boost really is. )

thank you so much.
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