Three companies specs for a new pool. who is the best?


New member
Jul 8, 2024
Irving Texas
Three in ground pool companies. company 1 ) steel structure with 1/2 inch and (4) 1/2 inch steel box beam 10" center , 5" on stress. 15 helical piers. use a company called Prestige Gunite. They do a 6 sack mix.
Company 2 ) 12" x 24" with a half inch rebar. Our walls and flooring are based on half inch rebar with 8" on centers. gunite shall be mixed at the minimum in the proportions of 1:4 parts ratio based on dry loose volume and down to 1: 3.5 parts ratio based on dry loose volume after shot. Our truck's mix design has been verified by Terracon Consulting to mix and produce gunite (after pneumatically applied and proper curring) with PSI strength ranging from 5000+/- to 6000+/- over PSI after 28 days and with a 38-day break. company. 18 helical piers. Company 3 )Rebar – Box beam 12” x 12” with half inch rebar and the remainder of the pool is 3/8” rebar on 10” centers and in the stress points of the pool we run them on 5” centers.Shotcrete gunite-6,200 psi structural rating-Mixed onsite. 15 helical piers. company builds the best pool structure if I live in Irving texas with expansive soil.
On paper company #3, application practices can have more of an influence on the finished product than the mix design.
How will the Gunite mix be tested to insure its to spec? Slump test conducted by an inspector and samples taken to a lab?
Shotcrete is mixed at a concrete plant to spec and transported to the job site to be applied, a load ticket is supplied with each batch and can be verified of the mix and most importantly how much water can be added at the job site and still stay within its design specs, this is not true with Gunite.
Wet curing after the application (sometimes only minutes after it applied depending upon weather conditionsIMG_5875.png) has a direct impact on the 28 day strength of the product.
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