Smallest Automatic Robot Vacuum Available?

Naxia Lascif

Active member
Jun 9, 2020
I am looking for the smallest, most compact robot vacuum on the market. My pool is pretty small, and has stairs and benches all over, so finding a robot that is compact is paramount.

So far, looks like that might still be the Aiper Seagull SE -- anyone know of a better / smaller one?

I've already owned two of the Seagulls -- the original round 600 model and the newer SE version. Both of them crapped out after a year of use. The first time one died on my, it was still under warranty. The second unit just died, and warranty ended in April :-(

Aiper is not as pricey as Dolphin or Polaris, and their unit(s) also seem a lot smaller (which is what I need).

I'd love to know if anyone has had experience with anything other than the Seagull -- and if I should stick with Aiper and try their little Scuba SE or the Scuba E1, or if I should just switch to Dolphin :-\


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