SLAM at 8 days


New member
Jun 4, 2024
Phoenix, Arizona
Good afternoon! After an international trip my husband came home to a green pool but didn’t follow the SLAM procedure, just kept adding chlorine so it was “clear” but I don’t think algae free. I came home two weeks later and noticed we were burning through chlorine like crazy so I started a SLAM. We then discovered our in floor cleaning system had never been operational so we got that fixed and have been proceeding. Our pool is just barely a year old so this is the first time we have had to do this. I have the recommended test kit.

At 8 days into the SLAM process, our pool is crystal clear but I have never been able to maintain SLAM levels or pass an overnight test. I am in Phoenix and it’s been extra hot AND monsoon season, so I’m sure that’s contributing to chlorine loss but it feels like I’m not getting very far. I wanted to see if anyone had feedback on if I’m doing this right or if I need to make changes.

Day 1
FC 0.0
Ph 8.2
CYA 40

I used pool math and added some muriatuc acid to get the PH down and added the recommended amounts of liquid chlorine. I tested every two to three hours for a couple of days and down to 3x per day. I’ve never been able to maintain the 16 ppm recommended and have gone through what feels like a ton of chlorine for our small 9500 gallon pool. I think we are at around 18 gallons of chlorine.

Last night we were at 9ppm FC WND as of 3pm today we were down to 4.5ppm. Stabilizer has stayed at 40 and we cleaned our filters yesterday.

Thanks so much for any feedback!


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If you can't pass an OCLT, then you likely have some algae lingering. It can hide in lights, weir doors, etc.
CYA 40 might not be enough to stand up to the heat and excessive UV of peak summer, which can account for some of your day time loss.

But it wouldn't be wise to raise CYA if you're still experiencing overnight loss.
Slam can take awhile just stay consistent and make sure you are brushing to help loosen what you can’t see.

Test and add every couple of hours if you can. Seems to help the process along quicker imo. I’ve personally had slam last as few as 5 days and as many as 22 days before passing all three criteria.