Skimmer bottom or float valve o-ring replacement


Dec 27, 2021
Phoenix, AZ
Apologies if I have the terminology wrong, but I am referring to the o-ring shown in the attached photo. (By the way, if you happen to recognize what kind of skimmer I have, please let me know! There was a sticker identifying it as an "Admiral" skimmer, but the model number was washed away...)

I noticed that the o-ring is leaving a little bit of a "skid mark" on my float valve assembly and assume it's probably about time to replace. I can't really find any info about how to do this properly -- perhaps it's too simple a task for anyone to bother writing about? :)

What I'd like to know is:
  1. Is it indeed serviceable / safe to remove?
  2. Can I replace the o-ring with water in the skimmer, or do I need to (partially) drain the pool first?
  3. How should I go about it, exactly? It sits pretty snugly in its groove, so I'm thinking I'll probably need to pop it out with a flathead screwdriver or something. (Please let me know if this is a bad idea!)
  4. Any caveats or precautions I should take?
As always, thanks in advance for any advice!


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Apologies if I have the terminology wrong, but I am referring to the o-ring shown in the attached photo. (By the way, if you happen to recognize what kind of skimmer I have, please let me know! There was a sticker identifying it as an "Admiral" skimmer, but the model number was washed away...)

I noticed that the o-ring is leaving a little bit of a "skid mark" on my float valve assembly and assume it's probably about time to replace. I can't really find any info about how to do this properly -- perhaps it's too simple a task for anyone to bother writing about? :)

What I'd like to know is:
  1. Is it indeed serviceable / safe to remove?
  2. Can I replace the o-ring with water in the skimmer, or do I need to (partially) drain the pool first?
  3. How should I go about it, exactly? It sits pretty snugly in its groove, so I'm thinking I'll probably need to pop it out with a flathead screwdriver or something. (Please let me know if this is a bad idea!)
  4. Any caveats or precautions I should take?
As always, thanks in advance for any advice!

This is way out of my wheel house but I'll call in some experts that should be able to help. Calling @ajw22 @Texas Splash. Can either of you help or find somebody that can?


I never replaced the O ring. If you can work with the water in the skimmer it may workout. I would use a sharp pointed bent pick to get the old O ring out. Having small hands may help getting the new O ring in.

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After a while, most skimmers lose that "O" ring, I've seen hundreds without it. If you want to replace it, you will find that it is just placed in a slot at the bottom of the skimmer, not attached with any adhesive. Just make sure to not have the pump running when you try or you will find the ring in the pump basket sooner or later. Don't ask how I know that.
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