Single Speed to Variable speed flow questions


Gold Supporter
Jun 4, 2024
Cumming, GA
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Jandy Aquapure 1400
I have a spa that spills into the pool and two sheer decents. If I get a VS pump and run it at 1200-1800 will it still spill over okay? Just can't figure out how the lower speed affects the pools performance? But yes, based on the chart I've seen here a few times if I run 24/7 it's over $200 a month. Currently running 9 hours a day I believe. Thank you!
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I have a spa that spills into the pool and two sheer decents. If I get a VS pump and run it at 1200-1800 will it still spill over okay? Just can't figure out how the lower speed affects the pools performance? But yes, based on the chart I've seen here a few times if I run 24/7 it's over $200 a month. Currently running 9 hours a day I believe. Thank you!
Slower speed will mean slower spillover.
But running at the slower speed should save you the $200 even running 24x7.
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The idea behind a VS pump is to run it at the slowest speed possible, that still gets the job done.

So, in your case, you can run it at a low RPM when you are making chlorine or just skimming, and then at a faster speed when you want your water features to work.

Do you have an automation system??

How often do you run the sheers?


Jim R.

The idea behind a VS pump is to run it at the slowest speed possible, that still gets the job done.

So, in your case, you can run it at a low RPM when you are making chlorine or just skimming, and then at a faster speed when you want your water features to work.

Do you have an automation system??

How often do you run the sheers?


Jim R.
Thank you. I do have iaqualink. Currently I'm running 7 hours during the day and 2 hours during the coolest part of the day (4-6am) to try to keep the pool cooled off a bit. Currently the spillover and sheers run all the time the pump is on. I'm not sure if I can turn the sheers off or not. I'm thinking I can't. When I switch to spa mode of course all spillovers cease. So I guess you're saying I could basically run lower RPM in spa mode and higher RPM in pool mode? Just guessing here, but didn't know if when it was in spa mode if anything was happening with the pool drains and returns...

Most people don't run their sheers all the time as the noise would drive them crazy.. I have never seen a water feature that you could not control with a valve. I am surprised that your system does not have an on/off valve. Since you have an automation system, you can set up what is called the "Spillway Mode" and then you can shut the spa spillover off and only run it an hour or so a day to keep the spa water fresh.

Show us several pics of your equipment pad and maybe we can see something that you don't.


Jim R.
Thank you, Jim! Pool was installed in roughly 2012 and I converted to salt after purchasing the home in 2015. I feel comfortable with the chemistry now and fine operating the pool equipment but I certainly don't grasp the plumbing just yet. Thank you very much in advance for any guidance you can offer. If you need any other info or pics just ask. Yes the motor housings look like rust buckets I can only surmise is because the bleed valve on top of the filter sprays them every time I need to get air out of the system. I did replace the sweeper pump (polaris) some 5-6 years ago, I believe. I now am using an Aiper so that pump is run 5 minutes a day to keep it operable. May add the Polaris sweeper back in during the fall to help out. The blower pump hasn't worked in years. I've had thoughts of moving the filter pump to the blower if I'm able to go VS on the filter.


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On your Return side there is a Check Valve right in front of your automated Return Valve.

Just to the right of the Check Valve is a manual Jandy valve.. Try the following handle positions and tell me what happens..

1. Turn the handle of the manual valve so that it points to the Right.. This should shut off your spillover..

2. Turn the handle of the same manual valve so that it point to the left.. Tell me if the sheers stop.. If not, what happens??

Is the pump on the far right side for your Spa jets or ??? It does not look to be used at the present. I assume you do not use the spa??


Jim R.
Jim--you must be some sort of wizard lol. What you predicted is exactly the case! That gives me hope! So current situation is:
Sweeper pump on the left and is the newest, though not in use due to the S1 Scuba Pro.
Middle pump is the filter pump and gets the most use. I don't recall ever changing it so must be 12 years-ish old. Can't imagine it has a ton of life left in it.
Right pump is what I believe to be the blower/spa pump. Even before it failed, the spa had quit blowing the nice gentle bubbles from the jets when in spa mode, and the blower of course puts out too much and splashes water everywhere. I know the jets item is a different issue and not trying to cover it here.

So obv with them all being 3450 single speed it's very inefficient. It also sounds like if I can figure out the right pumps to purchase/move around and buy another actuator (or 2?), I'll be in much better shape. Also if I'm not running the spillover and sheers, that's less aeration and I may see less of a pH rise on an ongoing basis?

I also conclude that in spending probably $20K in PCs, they've done a very poor job of getting my equipment pad in proper order. Well, one of them did offer to replace the blower pump for something like $2K. I'm a fairly handy guy and believe I can likely handle at least some of this work if not all.

Oh, and we do put it in spa mode and utilize the spa in the cooler months. Just have to turn on the heater at the heater (thinking maybe the temp/thermostat that goes to the heater is bad based on something I watched recently), and no bubbles at all.

Thank you so much for your help, Jim. Greatly appreciate it!


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