Salt loss - does anyone in the Southwest ADD salt?


Well-known member
May 18, 2023
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
CircuPool RJ-45 Plus
Phoenix area. Using a Taylor test kit, salt was 3200 about two months ago. Just tested today (yesterday I tested without smart stir and got 2800) with the smart stir and I’m at 2600. No water softener on fill water but I do need to test fill salt levels.

We’ve had about 8 people over twice for parties in July. No kids so not really any splash out. A few people do prefer to wear cotton shirts in the pool though so maybe they’re taking more water out when they exit.

Is it normal to have to add salt in the southwestern states? Obviously the big missing piece here is fill water test results but city reports from 2023 list 59-144 ppm so I am not expecting high level results. Debating on if we have a leak masked by the autofill but if it’s normal I don’t want to go through the leak detection process.
Phoenix area. Using a Taylor test kit, salt was 3200 about two months ago. Just tested today (yesterday I tested without smart stir and got 2800) with the smart stir and I’m at 2600. No water softener on fill water but I do need to test fill salt levels.

We’ve had about 8 people over twice for parties in July. No kids so not really any splash out. A few people do prefer to wear cotton shirts in the pool though so maybe they’re taking more water out when they exit.

Is it normal to have to add salt in the southwestern states? Obviously the big missing piece here is fill water test results but city reports from 2023 list 59-144 ppm so I am not expecting high level results. Debating on if we have a leak masked by the autofill but if it’s normal I don’t want to go through the leak detection process.
The only way for salt to go down is it for it to be physically removed from the pool through a splash out or a leak or overflow, etc.