Replacing backwash/waste pipe, but with what?


Silver Supporter
Our backwash/waste pipework is old and leaking but I'm not sure what to replace it with. It's currently entirely comprised of the same 1.5" white ABS pipe used for all the pool plumbing, and runs from the pool shed approximately *200 feet* to the drain (with plenty of old pipe weld joins!). It's very old and brittle, most of it has hairline cracks and weeps, but replacing that length of run of ABS pipe like-for-like is going to be pretty expensive and time consuming. Added to which, it's more visible than I'd like, and obviously completely rigid.

Ideally, I'd like to use something black or grey (ie less visible) and more flexible. I know a lot of people use some kind of hose, but I'm not keen on the classic sort of flat backwash hose that's designed to be rolled up - I'd like to leave this in place, tucked behind plants, etc, rather than try and unroll and then roll up 200 feet of hose each time. Plus I have a concern that it it's left in situ it'll tend to stay squashed flat. But could I use something like a regular garden hose? I guess it would need to be larger bore to cope with the flow rate and not strain the pump, etc... but does it need to be 1.5"? What kind of hose or pipe do you think would be the best solution for us??
If you have reservations about replacing the old with new PVC, fire hose comes to mind. It's certainly more durable than the cheap blue flat backwash hoses. Of course it can cost more, and in 50ft lengths you would need about four of them, but it's strong, a lighter color, and you can manipulate it around your yard which might be to your advantage.
I would go to a black poly tube and 1.5 inch is the best size for what you need... they are flexible and black will not be easy to see under things.. You could actually bury it some and be good

If you have reservations about replacing the old with new PVC, fire hose comes to mind. It's certainly more durable than the cheap blue flat backwash hoses. Of course it can cost more, and in 50ft lengths you would need about four of them, but it's strong, a lighter color, and you can manipulate it around your yard which might be to your advantage.
Well I do know someone that might be able to get a hold of decommissioned fire hose, so I'll look into that, but the joins might be problematic...
I would go to a black poly tube and 1.5 inch is the best size for what you need... they are flexible and black will not be easy to see under things.. You could actually bury it some and be good

Like the sound of that. We're in the UK so no Home Depot here, but should be able to find something like that. Forgive the idiot question, but is Poly the same as we would call PVC, or I guess maybe not (PVC = poly vinyl chloride, vs Poly = polyethylene). But flexible, black and maybe bury-able all sound good. I'll see what I can find here.
This link may help.

Like the sound of that. We're in the UK so no Home Depot here, but should be able to find something like that. Forgive the idiot question, but is Poly the same as we would call PVC, or I guess maybe not (PVC = poly vinyl chloride, vs Poly = polyethylene). But flexible, black and maybe bury-able all sound good. I'll see what I can find here.
Missed the UK :)
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