Pump take long time to prime..

Oct 29, 2011
I have a new inground pool this season (installed in November and promptly closed) and wanted a second opinion on a slow prime... The pump is roughly 4 feet above the surface of the pool, so I understand the physics to this... but initially after install the pump would run 30 minutes before priming. I thought this was excessive and the pool company came out and installed a check-flow valve near the pump, but only on the main-drain line. So... when you shut the pump off, you lose water down the skimmer pipe. I tried moving the inlet valve to shut off the skimmer just before shutting off the pump and I still lose all the water out of the basket and it takes nearly 20 minutes now to prime. Any thoughts? Have the pool company install a check valve on the skimmer line also?

You have an air leak somewhere on the suction side of your system. Find that leak and it will never lose prime. Short of that you could place a check valve on the skimmer line. The best thing to do is find that leak so you don't drop prime to begin with.
so even with the pump that much higher than the pool, I should never lose prime
Correct. Mine is about 3.5 - 4' higher also and, once the system is airtight, the water stays in the filter and there is no air in the pump basket lid.

My pump doesn't run overnight and, in the morning, I have about a dime size air bubble in the lid. That said, I had a slow leak for a couple of months that would drop prime if I didn't restart the pump every 6 hours or so and it simply went away....I have no idea where it was or what I might have done to fix it but I have an airtight system now.

PS - 20-30 minutes is an awfully long time to run your pump with it being completely dry.....you are getting a little trickle or flow during some of that period, aren't you?
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