Pressure Gauge Remains at zero


New member
Jun 23, 2024
fort worth
My pressure gauge on filter remains at zero except briefly upon pump start up it will spike. I have cleaned the filter and pump strainer but the pressure gauge on the filter still doesn’t register anything. If I close one of the supply lines the gauge will increase so it doesn’t appear to be an issue with the gauge itself. Also, my pump displays the pressure and even when it reads 20psi the gauge on the filter remains at zero.

It’s a cartridge filter.
Welcome to TFP! :wave: At what pump speed or rpm are you observing this low reading on the gauge. On low speed, my needle doesn't move at all, only on high. Tell us more about your equipment by updating your signature and perhaps post some pics of the equipment pad as well.

Just for reference...

A large VS pump running at a low RPM, combined with a larger cartridge filter, will give you a very low filter gauge pressure. I run my 3 HP IntelliFlo at 1200 RPM and my filter pressure is about 1 lb. and that is on a 30 lb. gauge. That said, I still have plenty of water flow going back to the pool.

We need to know the size of your pump in HP, we need to know the speed you are running, and we need to know the size of your filter.

The real key in my mind is... Do you have good flow going back to your pool, or not??


Jim R.
Thanks for the replies. Pump is a 3 HP variable speed pentair. I can max out the pump to 3450 rpm and only get to ~10 psi. Filter is 420 sq ft.

It certainly seems like plenty of water is flowing to the pool, the water out of the jets isn't necessarily fast but it's definitely circulating water.


Filter pressure is not a function of how well the pump is doing.. It is how much effort it takes to push water through the filter.. As long as you have good flow, then the lower the filter pressure, the better..

I have a 3 HP IntelliFlo and a CCP 520 cartridge filter. I have a 30 lb, gauge. When running at 1200 RPM, my filter pressure is about 1 lb. :mrgreen:

I have never run at 3450 RPM, as it is just not necessary with my pool.

The whole point of having a VS pump is to run as slow as you can and still get the job done. Most of the time I run about 1200 RPM.. This speed turns on my SWCG and makes my skimmers work well. I have no spa or heater so I only run faster when I want my waterfall to work (Not often) and when I want the water in the pool to swirl a little more if we are using our floats.

I run 24/7 for less than $20 bucks a month.

When you say 'jets' are you talkin about spa jets or your pool returns? If your pool returns, the size of the eyeball has a lot to do with how much 'pressure' you feel. The larger the eyeball, the less pressure.. Smaller eyeballs will also increase your filter pressure.

Show us a couple of pics of your equipment pad.

I would think that at 3450, you would have more filter pressure than 10 lbs.. I suspect that your gauge is bad or maybe the port between the gauge and the filter body is partially plugged.


Jim R.
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