Pool Skimmer Robot causing PH to rise?


LifeTime Supporter
Jul 30, 2011
Richmond VA
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Hayward Turbo Cell (T-CELL-5)
Hello, I just got the Betta SE Plus, it does a decent job in getting what floats, but what I have also noticed that it is also causing my PH to rise rather quickly. Seems to be about 0.25 in a 24 hour period. As oppose to static when not using it.

This could be a very expensive Robot in the long run if I have to pay to get the PH down every other day.

Has anyone noticed this whether with the Betta or similar devices?
Yeah, well aware of aeration causing PH rise. I have waterfalls as well. I always thought that water had to splash and cause bubbles of sorts for that to happen, this thing is essentially gliding over the water like a toy boat. I can’t imagine I am the only one noticing it?
I’ve noticed this too and figured it was due to aeration. I’m trying to get through all my pucks before converting to liquid chlorine, and noticed I haven’t had to put soda ash in. Very interesting.
Thanks for the responses. I figured I wasn’t the only one. Betta told me that no one has EVER reported it and their products are PH neutral 🤦🏻‍♂️
This is good to know. Not sure what is going on then. When I take it out my PH remains. …
Do you have any water features? These things really don’t disturb the water very much. As I said previously, I keep my TA around 50. I also don’t have any water features and I keep my jets pointed down so as not to stir up the surface of the water so much. I have the betas so I’m not trying to get anything into the skimmer. I also run my variable speed filter 24/7 but never wide open. It could be possible that you got a lot of other factors going on and the betas might push it over the edge?

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