pool pump trouble / replacement recommendations


New member
Jul 1, 2024
South Bend
I have an 8000 gallon in ground pool with a Pentair ultra flow w/ a century 1 1/2 horsepower motor. When I bought the house the pool was already installed and to my knowledge this is the original pump. I'm guessing it's at least 10 years old. I had to strike the motor to initially start it this season, and now the pool motor has been switching off the breaker after extended periods of use. I have the motor in a small shed, but I assume it's overheating. Any recommendations of what to buy if I get a new pump? I assume a variable speed is worth it despite the initial up front cost? Appreciate the help.
Welcome to TFP! :wave: Yes, a VSP is a popular choice today, not only for energy savings, but also because there are several more makes & models to choose from. Now you're not forced to buy one of the "Big Three" versions that can get pricey quickly. Many states no longer allow single or 2-speed motors and mandate VSPs for DOE compliance.

After some 10 years of operation, I think that motor served the home well, but it's time for some new blood to take over.
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