Pentari IC40 Salt cell question


Jun 7, 2019
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Pentair Intellichlor IC-40
I had my IC-40 for 2 years and only has about 200 hours of run time.(Didn't run it much the first year as the pool company replaced the liner) The fuse keeps blowing instantly when I replace it. From what I'm reading that means the cell is likely bad. During the winter I removed the salt cell but stored it the garage, (not heated). Temperatures got down to 0 degrees Fahrenheit. The cell worked fine for a month until the fuse blew. Do you think this was caused by me leaving it out in the cold during the winter months or did i get unlucky?

Appreciate the help!
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The fuse can blow because the surge card in the cell's power supply is bad, or because the cell itself is bad.. My guess is that 90% of the time it is the cell. But, it would make sense to check the surge card just to make sure.

I would unplug the cell from the power supply and then see of the fuse blows or not. If the fuse blows, without the cell connected, then most likely the surge card is bad.


Jim R.

If the cell came with a full set of Pentair equipment, it would have a 3-year warranty..

If it is a replacement cell, then it should have a 2-year warranty..

If you flip the cell over, it will have an mfg. date with the S/N label.

I like these guys.. Pentair IntelliChlor


Jim R.
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