New test, first results with kit. Throw away your strips!


Jul 13, 2024
Byron Illinois
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
So upset with those stupid strips. Used them for 4 days while waiting on our kit. FC goal is 8 and we used pool math for all calculations. Yesterday strips said FC was 3 so we added liquid chlorine to 8ppm.

Here’s our real results:
FC 15 (!!!)
pH 7.6
TA 270
CYA 40.
Temp 76

Suggestions and advice appreciated.
Let the free chlorine come down on its own. It’s safe to swim at this level since it’s less than slam level, which is 16. This is, of course, assuming that your water is crystal clear.

Keep FC at about 7 at that CYA level.
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Everything is fine. With a CYA of 40, it is safe to swim up to FC 16.

Everything looks fine. Maintain your FC for CYA 40. Use this link-->FC/CYA Levels

Your TA is high, but nothing really to do about it. Just follow this:

Manage your pH and ignore TA (test for it, but don't "treat" it). Follow this:
  1. When TA > 80: When pH gets to 8.0, lower your pH to 7.6. pH will rise. When pH gets to 8.0, lower to 7.6 again. Over time this will bring down your TA.
  2. When TA is between 60 and 80. DON'T lower pH to 7.6. It will be fairly stable between 7.8 and 8.0
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Everything is fine. With a CYA of 40, it is safe to swim up to FC 16.

Everything looks fine. Maintain your FC for CYA 40. Use this link-->FC/CYA Levels

Your TA is high, but nothing really to do about it. Just follow this:

Manage your pH and ignore TA (test for it, but don't "treat" it). Follow this:
  1. When TA > 80: When pH gets to 8.0, lower your pH to 7.6. pH will rise. When pH gets to 8.0, lower to 7.6 again. Over time this will bring down your TA.
  2. When TA is between 60 and 80. DON'T lower pH to 7.6. It will be fairly stable between 7.8 and 8.0
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You are the best!
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