New plaster has turned very rough


Active member
Dec 10, 2023
Rancho Park, CA
Hi, I have a 3 months old pool with plaster. In the first two months the plaster was super smooth and nice.
Recently I’ve noticed the plaster across the whole pool has became like a sandpaper. Looking at it , it looks nice and smooth. Only when touching you can feel how rough it is. Enough to cause painful scratches .
1) any idea what could have caused it? As it started smooth
2) is it possible to fix without replaster?

SWG , 8k gallons, covered .
Ph 7.8
TA 120
CYA 20 (I know I need to increase)
CH 400
Salt 3900

My guess is that it is calcium scaling. It could have been caused when and if the water was extremely out-of-balance for a few days, and without you knowing it. Does this pool have an auto-cleaner, and is it being brushed occasionally?
Can you take a very closeup photo of the rough surface? And try to check the entire pool and see if there are areas that are not rough to the touch.
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