New Intex 12x24x52 leaking


New member
Jul 4, 2023
First post, long time lurker....

We just upgraded from a 18' round to a 12x24x52 Intex. Got everything perfectly level, pool constructed and filled. We have a sizeable leak on one of the vertical seams.

I'm thinking of buying a replacement liner rather than trying to return the pool. I found the thread where it seems to be fairly common to put a replacement liner inside of an Intex pool. DH thinks I'm nuts but I think he's nuts to even consider taking the entire thing down, driving it to Lowe's, ordering a new one and setting it up again.

The liner was like that, right out of the box? Have you contacted Intex for a replacement?

I don’t recall ever seeing an overlap liner placed over the Intex liner in a rectangular pool, but if you found a thread showing it can be done, it’s a thought. Still, I’d go for a replacement before I’d shell out more money for an additional liner.
Call or chat with Intex. They’ll honor the warranty and send you a replacement liner. Our brand new XTR is leaking somewhere on the bottom. I chatted yesterday (Monday afternoon) and it was approved by this afternoon. I had to upload the receipt and the delivery proof.
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