Need pool robot for a pool at my father in laws


TFP Expert
LifeTime Supporter
Jun 14, 2012
Mint Hill, NC
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
CircuPool Edge-40
I’ve posted before about my pool boy life. My father-in-law has a pool about a mile and a half from my house. I’m the pool boy. He is experiencing a lot of dementia problems and his son is mentally disabled so realistically, there’s not much that people at the house will do other than maybe empty the filter basket. So, while I do have a Polaris it’s less than ideal. I think it’s a 380 model, anyway it is not working that well despite rebuild efforts and I’m tired of fighting it. In addition, it’s a pain because if I turn it on and if they forget to turn it off i have to leave the main pump on a 24x7cycle or the main pump could shut off and damage the booster pump. It’s happened in the past. So I’ve decided to look at pool robots.

What I need is a robot that I can set up and leave alone and have it run and just have me clean out the filter now and then best would be something that could set up to automatically run, but realistically since I have to clean out the filter probably I could drop it in the pool and run it and clean it out the next day maybe once a week.

I’ve looked at a few brands. I have a 16 x 32 roughly vinyl liner pool. The debris level is relatively small most of the time except during the spring. I get a lot of Cottonwood and during the fall you get an avalanche of leaves. Pool is saltwater generator, chlorinated, and relatively stable.
Some cordless units are being mentioned. Most still have issues. But check out the threads on those.
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