Looking for Microbrite Alternatives


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Jun 11, 2019
North Dallas Area
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Pentair Intellichlor IC-40
Looking for someone who has actually successfully replaced their microbrite lights with another brand. Pool was built in 2019 and I had 2 of the 4 lights replaced under warranty before it ran out. I'm down to 3 lights working now. These things are seriously a POS...I rarely ever even turn them on cause I know how horrible they are. I would rather not replace these with the same lights...especially at full price.

I have seen these suggested on a handful of threads, but have not seen anyone post that they actually used them.

The page mentions Globrite, but not Microbrite. The price for these is a little less than the Microbrites...and I'm fine paying a few hundred bucks to replace, but not if I'm just going to have to replace them again in 2-3 years. Sadly that seems to be the lifespan on the microbrites...which is ridiculous. If these things were 50 bucks or something that would be a different story.
MicroBrites have terrible reliability. I have 5 in my pool and have already gone through 7 replacements (under warranty). They use a standard 1.5" fitting, so you could also replace them with Jandy nicheless lights.
They use a standard 1.5" fitting, so you could also replace them with Jandy nicheless lights.
theoretically, yes i would agree. i have yet to find any threads on here from someone who has actually done it. i'm trying to get someone with first hand experience in replacing the microbrites with a different, non-pentair microbrite, light.
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