Jandy Aquapure PLC700 - 145 Error Code then 123?

I just drained my pool because of extremely high CYA (diluted x 5 times - before I could get on scale). I became a lazy owner a couple of years ago and went to abusing chlorine tablets, and this route was because my SWG was not making chlorine and I go sick of maintaining with chlorine liquid.
So a couple of things, I took off the SWG and cleaned with a pressure washer and muriatic acid, the photo shows 6 years of build up in an SWG.
Now with new water added, the salt went in today. My first error code on the Jandy PLC700 was no salt (no code 123), after adding the salt I got the 145 code (too much salt), now that error had disappeared and I am showing the 123 error code.
I realize now, that I should have just had the SWG off until I get the water stabilized, but why would this code not come up originally after cleaning (the cables are connected, the terminals look clean and miraculously the cells I believe are okay).
If I go to replacing the cells, is it just a plug and play attaching the existing electrical, has anyone got experience with non OEM SWG replacing Jandy Aquapure units?



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I would set the cell to ZERO% output. Then turn off the automation system. Wait a minute then reboot all.
Before doing this, ensure the pool has been brushed and the salt is dissolved. Do you use the K1766 salt test kit? If not, I would purchase it to ensure that your salt level is in range.
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