Intellichlor IC40 - bad???


May 22, 2008
Marana AZ
Is my salt cell bad? It is not producing chlorine. It was installed in 2017, so it is pretty old.

The top light "salt level" is blinking, salt level is approx 4000, all the other lights are solid. Could the high salt be the problem? Or is it just worn out?

Photo Jul 30 2024, 8 04 25 AM.jpg
Your CELL light is on which means the cell is generating chlorine.

Salt light blinking indicates high salt level but the cell will continue to generate.

Does your pool pass a Overnight Chlorine Loss Test?

What makes you say the cell is not generating chlorine?
I have been running the cell 24 hours a day for weeks. The cell is no longer building up calcium on the plates. It used to have to be cleaned regularly. I have a floating chlorine dispenser with tabs in the pool to maintain the chlorine level. As soon as the tabs are gone the chlorine level drops. It was working properly and just recently quit, nothing else has changed with the pool. So it seems to me like the cell is bad. What throws me off is the lights indicate it is working.
I would remove the floating tab dispenser. Add enough liquid chlorine to get the FC level up. Then I would run the OCLT test as suggested above to rule out algae. If the pool passes that test, I would run an OCGT (overnight chlorine gain test). You would run your cell at 100% and keep your pump running. Since you've ruled out algae with the OCLT, then the FC level should increase overnight. If it doesn't, then your cell is probably bad.