How long and what time of day to run pool filter?


New member
May 27, 2024
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
Hello friends -

First, I would like to thank the forum members for the amazing information on how to balance pool chemicals—so far, so good!

However, how long and at what time of day it would be best to run my pool filter? My kidney bean-shaped pool is approximately 11,000 gallons.

We get a lot of sun in the morning and most of the afternoon. We have a lot of trees, and I have to be ever-vigilant about leaves.

My filter pump can run at two speeds (regular and high).

My electric plan is fixed, so price-wise I don't save anything rate-wise by running at one time of day vs another time.

If you have any perspective on how long to run and the advantages or disadvantages of time - please let me know. Also, if any additional information would be helpful please let me know!
Welcome to TFP! :wave: I'm going to place an article for you to review about this very subject. Look it over and let us know if you have any questions. Me personally, my 2-speed pump is on low 24/7/365. Easy stuff.

Be sure to bookmark our Pool Care Basics page and enjoy the forum. :swim:

Welcome to TFP! :wave: I'm going to place an article for you to review about this very subject. Look it over and let us know if you have any questions. Me personally, my 2-speed pump is on low 24/7/365. Easy stuff.

Be sure to bookmark our Pool Care Basics page and enjoy the forum. :swim:

Thank you for the reply. It appears I have a 3/4 HP Pentair Booster Pump LA01N.

Debris is a real issue for me based on the amount of trees that we have.

Currently, my pump is set to run from 6PM to 2AM with the booster running from 10PM to 2AM.

It may be possible for me to set a schedule and run at multiple times of the day to break that up.

I am going to spend more time reading through the pool care basics.
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