Hot tub recommendations


Jun 28, 2014
Tucson, AZ
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
Seasons greetings! I seem to be in the market for a new hot tub. My 30 year old hot Springs hot tub seems to have had the heater element go out. I am not sure it’s worth repairing at this point and am considering a replacement, I appreciate any recommendations so I can narrow down my search.
I would start with the things you liked about your tub & the things you didn’t to help narrow things down.
Tubs come with lots of available bells & whistles now (fountains, lots of lights, stereos etc) most people really don’t use them much long term.
The main options like seating & jet configuration, type of insulation, swg or not, and heater are what matters more in the long term.
Also the availability of parts & warranty services which most often is best found in a dealer with a good reputation so thats more of a local thing if you’re springing for a pricey full sized model and will need someone to do the work for you. There are quite a few well known quality brands of spas so the avoid list would probably be smaller than the recommended list.
@RDspaguy can help you with what to avoid
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My 30 year old hot Springs
This says it all. Yes, they are expensive to buy and repair, and there are things I cordially hate about them, but you won't hear this phrase ending with any other name except maybe sundance.
My advice, as usual, is to find a good reputable dealer and see what they sell. Reliable service will be a bigger factor than brand for the first 15 years.
And, of course, wet-test. Don't buy a spa you haven't sat in.
Thanks for the feedback. The HotSpring was a good spa. I am interested in seating, jets, and water filtration. I see there are options in these areas. I don’t need lights, music or waterfalls. We do have a HotSpring dealer here, friends just bought a IslandSpa, Artesian Spa,model 45DB, last year and are currently waiting on a part.
Being the hot tub n00b in the room, I'm certainly not entltled to an opinion on the relative merits of this tub vs. any other. But I am pretty qualified to speak to the general notion of repair vs. replace.

I'm cheap. Really, really cheap. I've never had much money, so I'm loathe to part with any more than I have to in order to get something I want or need done. Yet I like having the very best stuff. How does one reconcile these two conflicting pressures? By considering it a point of honour to never buy anything new unless it's absolutely necessary and unavoidable. Everything we get is used - and thus really cheap compared to new. And getting it free is even better. For me, buying new things at full price is an admission of failure and a moral stain. In the words of The Minutemen: We jam econo.

And I'm not alone in this - the entire "right to repair" movement, and repair cafes (for which I volunteer) share this ethic. It makes sense from every examinable perspective, including environmental considerations and sheer practicality. If it's broke, fix it. If it's so far gone that fixing it simply isn't a practical solution (in the short or long term), then replace it. If you can replace it with something used, that rescues a measure of triumph from the jaws of defeat.

So my question is simply this: If you're right about it just being the heater element, and (at a glance) replacement heaters are within a couple of hundred bucks, why on earth would you consider replacing the tub? Since buying our (used) tub, I've been in a few of the shops, and the prices I've seen for new tubs are bonkers.
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Good to hear. I mean, even if it's not just the heater, and the controller is implicated, that's still a repair that I can't imagine costing more than 5% - 10%, tops - of a (low end) replacement.
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Being the hot tub n00b in the room, I'm certainly not entltled to an opinion on the relative merits of this tub vs. any other. But I am pretty qualified to speak to the general notion of repair vs. replace.

I'm cheap. Really, really cheap. I've never had much money, so I'm loathe to part with any more than I have to in order to get something I want or need done. Yet I like having the very best stuff. How does one reconcile these two conflicting pressures? By considering it a point of honour to never buy anything new unless it's absolutely necessary and unavoidable. Everything we get is used - and thus really cheap compared to new. And getting it free is even better. For me, buying new things at full price is an admission of failure and a moral stain. In the words of The Minutemen: We jam econo.

And I'm not alone in this - the entire "right to repair" movement, and repair cafes (for which I volunteer) share this ethic. It makes sense from every examinable perspective, including environmental considerations and sheer practicality. If it's broke, fix it. If it's so far gone that fixing it simply isn't a practical solution (in the short or long term), then replace it. If you can replace it with something used, that rescues a measure of triumph from the jaws of defeat.

So my question is simply this: If you're right about it just being the heater element, and (at a glance) replacement heaters are within a couple of hundred bucks, why on earth would you consider replacing the tub? Since buying our (used) tub, I've been in a few of the shops, and the prices I've seen for new tubs are bonkers.
"Hottub recommendations" is the question.
Being the hot tub n00b in the room, I'm certainly not entltled to an opinion on the relative merits of this tub vs. any other. But I am pretty qualified to speak to the general notion of repair vs. replace.

I'm cheap. Really, really cheap. I've never had much money, so I'm loathe to part with any more than I have to in order to get something I want or need done. Yet I like having the very best stuff. How does one reconcile these two conflicting pressures? By considering it a point of honour to never buy anything new unless it's absolutely necessary and unavoidable. Everything we get is used - and thus really cheap compared to new. And getting it free is even better. For me, buying new things at full price is an admission of failure and a moral stain. In the words of The Minutemen: We jam econo.

And I'm not alone in this - the entire "right to repair" movement, and repair cafes (for which I volunteer) share this ethic. It makes sense from every examinable perspective, including environmental considerations and sheer practicality. If it's broke, fix it. If it's so far gone that fixing it simply isn't a practical solution (in the short or long term), then replace it. If you can replace it with something used, that rescues a measure of triumph from the jaws of defeat.

So my question is simply this: If you're right about it just being the heater element, and (at a glance) replacement heaters are within a couple of hundred bucks, why on earth would you consider replacing the tub? Since buying our (used) tub, I've been in a few of the shops, and the prices I've seen for new tubs are bonkers.

There also comes a time of diminishing returns. I am all for fix before new. I have volunteered for repair cafes myself. However, sometimes things are just hitting the end of a lifespan where you will end up spending a lot of money and time just keeping them going. You fix part A, and then two weeks later part B dies, so you change that, then it is part C. Then you find out that Part D is no longer available, and you end up having to make your own. It ends up no longer being something you enjoy, and just becomes a chore to maintain.

I am also a big fan of used tools. Not so much handheld power tools - you never know when they were given a hot support, ridden hard, and put up wet by the previous user. But I have a lot of manual hand tools, and larger power tools (lathes, welders, etc) that are second (or third, or fourth) hand.

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There also comes a time of diminishing returns. I am all for fix before new. I have volunteered for repair cafes myself. However, sometimes things are just hitting the end of a lifespan where you will end up spending a lot of money and time just keeping them going. You fix part A, and then two weeks later part B dies, so you change that, then it is part C. Then you find out that Part D is no longer available, and you end up having to make your own. It ends up no longer being something you enjoy, and just becomes a chore to maintain.

I am also a big fan of used tools. Not so much handheld power tools - you never know when they were given a hot support, ridden hard, and put up wet by the previous user. But I have a lot of manual hand tools, and larger power tools (lathes, welders, etc) that are second (or third, or fourth) hand.

I agree completely, and indicated so in my followup post - there usually comes a time when it's too far gone to continue to maintain and the returns indeed do diminish, and that's a sad day. But you can take satisfaction from knowing you got all it had to offer. I'm arguing for the most practical useful life, not "heroic measures".

On tools: I'm mostly with you, but not entirely in the case of power hand tools. Last summer, when I really wanted to get a worm drive circular saw, I scored an old Skil (8 1/2", and from the 50s, I think) for $25. A beast that could probably use a new line cord, but otherwise can be expected to just keep doing what it's been doing for the last 60+ years: Go and go and go. I also know that unless I find NOS, I'm not going to get a second-hand pair of SnapOn E710CG flush cutters whose jaws haven't suffered more wear than I'm prepared to tolerate. There are times when you need the best, and that means buying new and being the guy (or other) who takes the proper care for as many years as possible.

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@Kathi ,
As you shop around and find some contenders that fit your criteria feel free to post them (& their specs) in this thread for scrutiny from the brain trust.
Alot of it really comes down to personal preferences but there are some things (equipment) that are more preferable than others longevity wise.
I for instance would prefer a titanium heater and would avoid supplemental systems like ozone or uv. And I also prefer a swcg friendly spa (usually this just means it has a titanium heater and salt won’t void your warranty), though I don’t care for many of the factory swcg offerings (like the freshwater system’s disposable cells) that are quite expensive in an ongoing manner.
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I agree completely, and indicated so in my followup post - there usually comes a time when it's too far gone to continue to maintain and the returns indeed do diminish, and that's a sad day. But you can take satisfaction from knowing you got all it had to offer. I'm arguing for the most practical useful life, not "heroic measures".

On tools: I'm mostly with you, but not entirely in the case of power hand tools. Last summer, when I really wanted to get a worm drive circular saw, I scored an old Skil (8 1/2", and from the 50s, I think) for $25. A beast that could probably use a new line cord, but otherwise can be expected to just keep doing what it's been doing for the last 60+ years: Go and go and go. I also know that unless I find NOS, I'm not going to get a second-hand pair of SnapOn E710CG flush cutters whose jaws haven't suffered more wear than I'm prepared to tolerate. There are times when you need the best, and that means buying new and being the guy (or other) who takes the proper care for as many years as possible.


The problem I have with old saws is that very often I find them out of square. I myself would really like a Magnesium Base Hypoid saw. The issue is, most of the time you see those for sale used is because somebody dropped them off of a roof.

It really is becoming more of I prefer to buy new, and then maintain something, than buy used and try to figure out what somebody else did. Heavy machinery that I rarely need to use is where I usually look for used. I scored two full sections of scaffolding for a song of off Craigslist, that was an awesome buy. I have used that stuff so much around here.
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