Hi, I am looking to convert a baquacil pool (15,000 gal) aboveground to Chlorine. Do I need to get all the baquacil out before adding the Chlorine?

I am looking on how to convert. Do I need to get all the baquacil out before adding Chlorine? I am nervous about letting it sit without anything since it already has pink slime I can't seem to get rid of.
Welcome to the forum.
You use chlorine to remove the Baquacil.

Welcome to TFP! :wave: The article below outlines the procedures we recommend. Let us know if you have any questions.

As with any water chemistry issue, be sure to have a TF-Series or Taylor K-2006C test kit in-hand and ready for precise measurements. You'll need it for sure. :goodjob:

If you buy the TF-100 Get the SLAM option! I didn't and I ended up having to go back and order it separately.
If you don't have a magnetic stirrer I would HIGHLY encourage you to get one. You will be testing your FC chlorine levels a lot. I Just did this conversion at the end of last month into this month, and if I hadn't had the magnetic stirrer I would have lost my mind.

If Walmart near you has 10% chlorine it was the best deal going in my area. The second best deal is Rural King 4 gals for 16.99. RK is cheaper but the chlorine isn't as consistent I felt like I had weak and strong bottles. I don't know if Lowe's around me still has liquid, but when they did it was being stored outside in the garden center and it has been in the 90s here so I feel like I would have been paying a premium for sub-par product. So I was willing to pay extra for the consistency. Also pay close attention to the Julian dates on the bottles/cases.

You haven't put your info in your signature yet, what kind of filter do you have? Do you have a way to vacuum to waste?
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