Help with using well water to keep filled

Apr 24, 2015
Chesapeake/ Virginia
I can no longer afford to keep my pool filled to the proper level with city water. Water is so expensive here. Probably everywhere else too. I have a well but don’t use it in the pool. I need to start using it though. I can’t do this city water anymore.

What do I need to buy to make sure I don’t have any problems with my well water? I think I read something a while back about Magic Jack? My pool is liquid chlorinated and clean. Roughly 14k gallons.

The first thing I would do is to take a sample of your well water and have it tested at a proper lab (not a pool store). Mainly look for iron and copper as those are most damaging to the pool. But have it tested for TA, calcium, phosphates as well.
Have you tested the well water?

If it is iron, a Green Sand water filter will remove the iron.
Check for a local laboratory to test the water. Might call your municipal water utility and ask them what lab they use.

The Green Sand water filter will remove the iron. They are not cheap to install or maintain.

Sequestrant really does not work well long term. You have to continuously add it and with evaporation your iron levels will rise.

What about rain water harvesting?
Check for a local laboratory to test the water. Might call your municipal water utility and ask them what lab they use.

The Green Sand water filter will remove the iron. They are not cheap to install or maintain.

Sequestrant really does not work well long term. You have to continuously add it and with evaporation your iron levels will rise.

What about rain water harvesting?
I do have rainwater collection but this time of year it just can't keep up with the evaporation. I've thought several times about a solar cover...or bubble wrap over the pool at night. It just seems like so much work to take off and put back on.
A cover will reduce evaporation dramatically.

I use one in spring and fall. It helps keep the pool water warm enough to swim and reduces evaporation.

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I have a small freeform pool. So I get a rectangular 8 mm cover large enough for the pool, trim it to fit, and cut into 3 pieces. Pull off each piece and fold up and set in the shade. I can easily take it off and put it back on in less than 5 minutes by myself.

No I haven't tested it yet. Where could I do that? There isn't a sequestering agent or anything that could be recommended? Best way is to remove it prior to? I mean, that's kind of obvious but I wanted to ask.
You may be able to find lab water testing options through your county health department or soil and water conservation district. Make sure to get the list of what they are testing for before doing it though. There is a lot of crossover in what we care about for drinking water and pool water, but they may not be testing for everything you'll care about in relation to your pool water.