Hayward salt & swim standby light blinking


New member
May 27, 2022
My Hayward salt & swim is not generating chlorine. The standby light is blinking which apparently means it thinks water temp is too high or low. Water temp is currently about 70 so that shouldn't be an issue. I've unplugged and restarted it. No change. I replaced the cell 2 seasons ago ( not sure how long they should last). Hoping I don't need a new one yet ($399). Any thoughts?
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Your manual is here --> https://www.hayward-pool.com/assets/documents/pools/pdf/manuals/SaltandSwim3C-Owner-Manual-SAS.pdf

The Salt & Swim 3C has shut down because the temperature of the pool/spa water is too high (120ºF) or too low (50ºF). The system will not resume operation until the water temperature returns to normal. Note: This condition can sometimes happen if the pool/spa temperature is already high and the heater is running. The temperature coming out of the heater and into the Cell could possibly be high enough to shut down the Salt & Swim 3C.

Do you have a heater running?

How many gallons are in your pool?

What % output do you have it set at?

Where are you located?
Contact Hayward Tech Support.

There is nothing serviceable in the cell.

I think 2 years may be how long that cell lasts for you.

What is your pump runtime and how long per day do you run the cell?
I keep the pump running about 8 hrs a day. SWG usually set at 3. I was on hold for customer service for a long time so just hoping to get advice from another source. Also, a little sticker shock at the cost of a replacement cell - don't remember the last one being so expensive and we've had the pool for about 7 yrs so the first cell lasted much longer than 2 yrs. I'll get back on phone with customer service.
Hopefully Hayward will give you some warranty credit for premature failure of the cell.
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