Hayward S210t pressure question


New member
May 4, 2022
I just opened my pool (first time opening it as it went in last spring) and I am in process of shocking and clearing it up. My pressure gauge on my pump is reading 47ish when the pump is running and reads 30ish when I cut the pump off. I have backwashed several times and the guy who put in the pool says the valve is just reading wrong and it should be fine. Still has me a bit worried, any thoughts ?
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You need a new pressure gauge.

I suggest you read through Pool School - Trouble Free Pool and even look at a few of our videos TFP-TV - Trouble Free Pool
Ok I will check out those resources, thank you! so would you say it's pretty cut and dry that because the gauge reads 30 when the pump is off that it is faulty? I just want to make sure I am not hurting my system.

if 30 is my new 0 then it kind of makes sense for it to read around 50 when running in filter mode as that would be roughly 20 I guess?
Your pump cannot put out enough pressure to do that on its own. However, if the pressure vessel gets compromised in any way, it can come apart violently.

I certainly hope your pressure when running is no where near even 30 psi. If it is, you need VS pump. You will save a lot in electricity.
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